Dislike strollers on transit

As a disabled woman I am in the uncomfortable position of having to take a disabled seat on transit and in the last few years, have noted an increase in the number of people bringing strollers on transit I have to confess that I support this trend and believe that people have every right to bring a stroller on transit - if they need one for their child. However it seems that children upwards of 3 or 4 years old are being forced to use the strollers even if they resent them and try to get out of them at every possibility. I have seen children confined to strollers simply because the parent or accompanying adult wanted to use their cell phone and keep the child confined to allow them to avert their eyes and attention. Sometimes, I see the parent hand the child a cellphone or tablet, and I wince but say nothing. I think they should be charged with child abuse for the way they are exposing their children to the device. I am really happy to be older than these people because I do not have to live long enough to see their maladjusted children grow up to fail as they have done. On the other hand where successful educated parents are using strollers to confine and "protect" their children instead of teaching them to walk and take responsibility for their own little selves I think they should realize that they are living in a bubble and that they are lousy parents as well. Back in the sixties and seventies most families did not want to have their kids in strollers -- children walked and were more healthy than today. Kids feel embarrassed in strollers past a certain age and of course, they take up so much room in the bus on skytrain and on streets -- parents I wish you would learn to have your kids walking and mobile by age 3 or 4 unless they truly need a wheelchair. Otherwise they might easily end up in one if they are afraid to exert themselves at all. Remember, walking is good for you.


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You do Realize

May 25, 2018 at 9:54am

that those so called kids of 3 and 4 will get tired and won't want to walk anymore - and that by that age they weigh well over 30 pounds. Try carrying that weight around for a few hours, hell, even a few minutes. So how about instead of ragging on about something that makes perfect sense to us 'horrible parents' you spend your energy elsewhere. We're doing just fine, thanks. Oh, and have a Happy Day :)


May 25, 2018 at 11:31am

I think more than anything the issue is that the strollers aren't those little foldable umbrella strollers, people are using these huge ass SUV strollers. It's like they want a stroller to get them through the apocalypse.


May 25, 2018 at 2:12pm

I get that people taking transit with young kids do have a lot to contend with, but I completely agree with the Op! My kids learned to suck it up and walk just like I had to when my family lived a couple of miles away from the nearest store that was reached only after climbing uphill the whole way there. I, and my kids, became fast walkers as well as having decent fitness. Kids now are so coddled it’s becoming ridiculous.


May 25, 2018 at 5:04pm

Why I drive.

7 12Rating: -5


May 26, 2018 at 11:07pm

Huh, that's odd. I take transit pretty frequently and I can't say I've seen what you describe.

8 8Rating: 0

Pandemonium Jones

May 27, 2018 at 12:22am

I'm on a cane and my knees and I resent having to stand anytime an SUV stroller complete with texting mom takes up 3 handicapped seats at the front of the bus. Since when does your functioning uterus have priority over the needs of the differently abled?

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