Get out already

I'm sick of Baby boomers clogging up the workforce for the rest of us. Currently I have people in my company pushing 70 who don't know how to use a computer, meaning I have to pull more weight even known they outrank me. And it doesn't help that the Millenails are behind me. Just retire and stop taking "a contract from time to time" you're taking away jobs that those of us in our 30's and 40's need. Then looking at us and saying "Why can't you afford a mortgage?" Just get out!


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May 8, 2018 at 8:10am

Many elderly people have to keep working into their 70's and 80's in order to get by. The glory days of retiring at 65 ended decades ago for most people. You are no better than them. Just another person trying to survive.


May 8, 2018 at 8:36am

lol...more to life and work than "computer skills"..


May 8, 2018 at 8:59am

They had their time.. their gold rush..
So many old timers.. we cannot force to retire..
However when they chose to work NOT FOR THE MONEY OR THE FUTURE.
When i hear its because of shear boredom.. or i dont know what to do at home.
At least downgrade to home depot four hours once a week.
Absolutley agree.
I have 70 year olds filthy rich
alcholics whove pissed it all away.. great paying jobs.

Do you seriously think

May 8, 2018 at 9:18am

that they're working only because they 'want' to?
Wow, time to pull your head out of your ass and see what living here in Metro Vancouver really costs.
Ever thought that maybe what they receive for a pension doesn't cover the cost of living in this Province nowadays? That we have the highest food prices, housing prices, gas prices...the list goes on and on.
Perhaps these boomers thought that they'd actually be able to retire after working for 40+ years and got the shock of their lives when they realized they couldn't.
People that spout off like you're doing here are the reason I don't 'do' people anymore.
Look around you, I mean really look around you, and see that people everywhere are suffering. And then reach deep inside and find that empathy that you've obviously lost.

Down Voted

May 8, 2018 at 9:57am

Had you left out the comment "people in my company pushing 70 who don't know how to use a computer" I would have up voted you but the post is just BS.

I don't know where you work or what you do, but this is 2018, meaning the people pushing 70 were born around 1950 and these are the people who invented PCs, Laptops, tablets and smart phones.

I'm only 45 and my biggest problem is all the millennials entering the workforce that think they are computer literate because they know how to use social media, but constantly need help with Excel and other MS Office products.


May 8, 2018 at 11:15am

maybe they can sell their multi million dollar homes. then they'd have money to retire and move somewhere smaller and more manageable, and free up housing. Hell, maybe even take one for the team and sell at an affordable rate to an actual Canadian family (hah).

Would if I could

May 8, 2018 at 11:50am

Yes, I would love to retire. I can think of so many other things that I would love to be doing at my age. I’ve been working since I was 15. I did it while also raising several kids. I worked so that my kids could enjoy a decent lifestyle. Not a wealthy one, because even though my husband and I both had decent jobs, the cost of our mortgage and all the expenses of our kids meant that we couldn’t even afford a vacation. We did the best we could. Then we divorced. He remarried and since there were two incomes he was able to get another house and retire. I did not remarry. As a single senior, I cannot afford to retire or buy a home. I’m faced with having to work until I drop, whether I like it or not. Oh and about those skills can be hired, but a lifetime of business experience can’t. Junior.


May 8, 2018 at 11:52am

I know Babyboomer's who epitomise that generation of oversized children. They don't want to give up their luxuries and retiring means downsizing. Big spoilt children.


May 8, 2018 at 12:38pm

many older workers, who im sure would love nothing more than to retire, are continuing to work to support their children. Their children are of course, under-employed and worse off than their parents. Its sad. We probably work harder now for less money than ever before.


May 8, 2018 at 1:38pm

Okay, I sympathise with some of the people criticising the OP because yes, there are boomers out there working because they have to. But there are also these other assholes who are already well-off and semi-retired but keep coming back for the "easy money." They're taking work away from young people who are trying to get a foothold in the workplace for what? So they can get more money for another trip to Florida?? This is especially problematic in the Public sector. A lot of retired teachers keep coming back (on call etc.) and taking work away from young teachers who are trying to get in! So yeah, the OP has a point.

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