Any price is acceptable when you’re after LTR

Over the past 5 years, well pretty much since I came to Canada I’d dated 3 girls until I met my current gf who seems to be my fiancée pretty soon;) I’m pretty happy and thank you all for the congrats very much. So anyways at some point in a relationship (usually on a 3-7 month) I always put girls to tests. As you may have figured none of those 3 girls passed my tests except for the last one. The test included “a stranger in a sportcar”, “obtaining her text messages”, “becoming the best friend ever with her best friend” solely to pull out some info on the girlfriend and so on. Was it wrong!? I guess who cares?! I’d rather do that then will be screwed over one day by her. Anyways I told my current gf about these tests and the fact that she passed them. She was pissed as hell. But then she understood my concerns as she is from the same country where family values prevail over carrier or money. I proposed her last night after nearly one year together . She said Yes:)


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Oh, lucky her

Jun 24, 2018 at 1:04pm

She won the prize of being married to someone who manipulates her emotions and invades her privacy in order to test her.

Currently 94%

Jun 24, 2018 at 1:54pm

Thumbs down in this female dominated online portal.
It's perfectly fine for women to "shit test" guys all the time but if a guy does it, it's to be looked down upon.
Not surprised...

Good work!

Jun 24, 2018 at 2:19pm

And remember, women are always testing men.


Jun 24, 2018 at 2:36pm

If those tests count as "family values", I don't want anyone with those. Your deceptions are manipulative and I worry for your fiancee.

You’re gross

Jun 24, 2018 at 2:42pm

Sounds like 3 women escaped. I will reserve my congratulations for them, not you.


Jun 24, 2018 at 3:27pm

How do you know her acceptance is not just a test?

24 9Rating: +15

Haha.. Hypothetically speaking...

Jun 24, 2018 at 5:39pm

Best of luck to you pal.
People change.
Maybe now that she is aware of these little "tests", she will be extra careful to avoid these screwey little control-traps you have thrown at her; she'll make sure to avoid them next time when she still screws you over in the end.


Jun 24, 2018 at 7:24pm

Usually, people who distrust the way you do have much to hide themselves. You sound manipulative and controlling. You’re lucky your soon-to-be wife forgave you. Maybe the other ones didn’t “pass” because they saw *you* for who you really are.

25 9Rating: +16


Jun 24, 2018 at 8:05pm

I feel bad for her!

Been there

Jun 25, 2018 at 8:16am

Obtaining her text messages is an illegal invasion of her privacy. My dad used to tape-record my mom's phone conversations back in the day. I think some of my phone conversations ended up on that tape, too. My parents' marriage is broken. But they're not divorced, for cultural reasons. I am broken. My dad went on to use me as a hostage to threaten her if she ever left the house alone. She did not do so for 35 years. He also terrorized what few friends she had. To this day, my mom gloms onto me for companionship. i know people in Western cultures will say that my mom has to take responsibility for her life, and they're right, but when she's from a culture that actively disempowers her....well, y'know.

If you think obtaining her text messages is acceptable behavior, I don't know what other illegal acts you will consider to be acceptable in the future. You may think you're a cool guy now, but I think there is a monster lurking in you that will break out in the future. If you plan to have children, be sure to set aside money for their therapy now, because you are they reason they will need it.

PLUS, what if one day your wife realizes that this invasion of her privacy was illegal? Then she's going throw all her years of resentment back at you, and then divorce you, and then take you for half of your assets. Is this the future you want? Things are always lovey-dovey in the current stage of your relationship. You're going to have to give her a secret lobotomy to make sure she doesn't EVER reflect on the illegality of your actions.

It's too bad you had to invade her privacy. If not for that, I would have said hey, congratulations - if you're both from the same culture, and she's okay with what you did, your marriage has a chance of working out.

13 8Rating: +5

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