No Fun Zone

I miss living on Paris and Asia and having a beer in the streets and watching the people go by. It was cheap and fun for me and my friends. Everyone knew each other and other people would swing by and say hello. It was sociable and apart of the community. Why can't Vancouverites behave themselves? Would that change if it became normal like elsewhere?


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Jun 24, 2018 at 12:57pm

For the most part Canada( except Quebec) is still very puritanical when it comes to alcohol laws. The gov't thinks you are a child that needs to be controlled and watched 24hrs a day.
Of course the weather in Vancouver doesn't help the street life scene as it rains 10 months out of the year. The warm climes of south east Asia are much more conducive to street life.

10 7Rating: +3


Jun 24, 2018 at 3:18pm

Is it like that in London or New York?

7 7Rating: 0

Wrong Locality

Jun 24, 2018 at 8:15pm

You mean.... why can't Surry behave them,selves. Lets not beat around the bush here.

9 11Rating: -2


Jun 25, 2018 at 12:54pm

Canada is not a community oriented country. In South America and South East Asia and many other countries around the world the communities rely on each other to run things smoothly. The neighbourhoods are like family. Here, we are exclusive and are afraid of strangers. We don’t make friends easily and would rather hide in our houses and with our cliques than be open and swing by the neighbour’s place and offer something. That idea is alien to us. It’s pretty sad actually. That’s why people here are frustrated and lonely.

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