
I've been conflicted about my sexuality for many years........I'm curious about exploring with a woman, but am not very experienced sexually and not sure what to do. My attraction to women has never been acted upon, and waxes and wanes, but never goes away, and is more sexual. I'm Muslim and can never have this found out....for obvious reasons. I've always been very accepting of others sexuality and preferences but struggle with my own.... I need help on what to do..... No one knows except for one ex years ago.


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Aug 13, 2018 at 7:02am

There are many resources in vancouver. I suggest looking on some of the websites like or and talk to someone. Don't worry about your lack of sexual experience, there's a first time for everyone. As for religion, many of us had to overcome that, but it is more risky in some religious circles. I hope you manage to break free. Good luck!

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Your in the right city

Aug 13, 2018 at 10:28am

You live in a very open, permissive city with resources everywhere.
Look in a fine newspaper called the Georgia Straight in the classified ads!

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Aug 13, 2018 at 11:40am

Look up flygirlproductions and Hershe events for the opportunity to meet other women in a safe space.

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In Canada...

Aug 13, 2018 at 12:46pm

... you are allowed to have your own sexuality, so being a Muslim in Canada has nothing to do with it. If you're part of a religious group that doesn't respect Canadian values, like freedom of sexuality, it's probably not really a very good representation of that religion. In Canada, religions that are on the up and up don't police the sexuality of their members.

So, you might think about that, none of the mainstream Christian churches in Canada like the Anglican Church or United Church have any strict policies about policing sexuality. It's unfortunate that there are some "religious" institutions that are not accepting of all sexualities.

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Did I write this and forget?

Aug 13, 2018 at 3:46pm

Wow, this could've been written by me! Only my ex knows as well. And my interest is exclusively sexual. I don't have much of an interest in having a relationship with another woman that isn't just friendship. And I figure women have enough trouble with men just using them for sex so I don't want to be a woman who uses them for that. And so I just watch girl-on-girl soft porn and fantasize.

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Aug 14, 2018 at 12:54am

@did I write this - I'm only interested in a more sexual way too, but not sure to what extent. Whether it's more just porn etc. Or a physical in person interaction. I also worry about not wanting to hurt other women and don't want to be like the creepy douchey guys that bother women for sex. It really pisses me off when men bug me for sex (and I refuse it as I want something serious).

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