All's not fair

You know how sometimes in relationships, something is said that is just too far over the line to ever go back? So that even if you still have intense love for that person, what they said hurt you so deeply that you just can't get past it? Yeah, so that happened. It's true, I still love him beyond any rationality, but he said it and it was the death blow for sure.


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Yes I do

Sep 23, 2018 at 12:18pm

My bf has said things that even a sick monster couldn’t dream up. Utter filth. I can’t even repeat it. I thought before that it was out of anger in a heated moment and I’ve come to realize that it’s just who he is. He’s a creep and I’m done wth it. It’ll only get worse. Trust me.

No I don't know

Sep 23, 2018 at 12:44pm

I can't say any words have ever stopped me from caring about someone who meant that to me.

Words are just words, they don't hurt

Good on ya

Sep 23, 2018 at 2:08pm

Being single is better than being in a less-than-amazingly-compatible relationship.

Regardless whether his words hurt you,

Sep 23, 2018 at 6:33pm

Were his words true? Because if his words were true, it's not so much the words that are hurting you, it's more like your pride that hurts you, and likely those around you. No one should have to spend their life walking around on eggshells to accommodate your feelings at the expense of their own.

@no I don’t

Sep 23, 2018 at 7:23pm

One of the biggest lies we’ve ever been sold is that stupid “sticks and stones” crap. Whoever made that one up obviously never experienced mental and emotional abuse. As I said, I still love the guy but anyone who has so little regard for the feelings of someone they’re in a relationship with that they would seek to destroy them verbally with extremely cruel remarks is about as violent as it gets. Words can not only hurt, but the damage they do can be devastating.


Sep 23, 2018 at 8:05pm

Sorry you are being hurt. @No I do not know. Ignore those incorrect comments. Words hurt worse than anything. Especially from someone you love dearly. I am trying to get away from such a person, the things they have said are beyond cruel. I realize they are ill. But it still hurts. One comment at a low point, I actually felt the room spin. It knocked me so hard.

Hang in there.

28 7Rating: +21

Words for sure have an impact

Sep 23, 2018 at 9:29pm

One can't just flee into lingual relativism whenever they hurt someone with words.
Like obviously I mean.


Sep 23, 2018 at 11:29pm

Still at it huh? You’d think that by his age he’d be able to speak for himself, but as long as he’s got you, then of course he never needs to grow up. But of course that works for you perfectly, doesn’t it? As for walking on eggshells, that’s beyond funny. The only person in our “acquaintanceship” who ever worried in the slightest about the other person’s feelings was me, and that continues to this day. Had I wanted to do so, I could have made cruel and personal remarks about him too. All I did do was tell him exactly why I was upset, how I felt, and give him examples of his behaviour that illustrated what I was saying. In contrast, his only response was to say cruel and vicious things that he knew would hurt me deeply. I’d have no problem at all saying everything I said again in front of any court in the land, because all of it is 100% true, and I don’t need to resort to below the belt insults. That’s the difference between someone who genuinely loves, and someone who only cares about themselves. You’re all exactly the same though, so he’s definitely a lost cause.


Sep 24, 2018 at 12:49am

I mean it's up to you. if you think it's a deal breaker, then break it off. if it was intentional, it could be a sign that they'll be brutal again. or perhaps that's too dramatic. who's to say but you ?

8 13Rating: -5


Sep 24, 2018 at 9:17pm

You seem to be responding to people like you know them or assume they speak for someone you know. This forum is anonymous, and while from time to time I think messages are for me, they could also be for thousands of others. You used the word relationship a few times and then 'acquaintanceship' so it's a bit confusing to me. I assume you were not in a relationship but had feelings for this person. Did they know? Maybe they reacted strongly because they felt their own feelings unrequited? Just taking a guess at it, I really don't know.

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