Family traits?

So I've been dating this guy for a while now. It's been wonderful some of the time and really terrible at other times. I'm completely in love with him though, and I'm pretty sure he loves me although he doesn't really say so. He's with me all the time so that has to mean something I guess. Anyway, one of the bad things I've noticed is that he gets weird if I'm emotional. He teases me all the time, and if I don't like it he tells me I'm too sensitive, but it hurts my feelings. Anyway, his sister lives in the States part of the time, and she was coming up for a visit, so we went to his Mom's place to see her. I guess she hadn't seen my boyfriend in quite a while, and he had gained quite a lot of weight (I noticed but I love him so it never really mattered to me). He thinks a lot of his sister. He's always talking about how smart she is and how great she is. Same with his Mom, but I secretly think his mother is very controlling. So we're sitting there waiting for his sister to arrive, and when she does, the first thing she says to him, with a big smile on her face, is "you're fat!" I was stunned, and I looked at him and could see this look of incredible hurt and shame cross his face. He was embarrassed and went red, but then he pasted a big grin on his face as if it didn't bother him. I know it did though. How could it not? The rest of the visit was sort-of okay, but it bugged me so much the way she did that. After spending time with all three of them, I'm starting to really notice some weird dynamics. I think maybe the reason he's so mean sometimes to me, is because he can't express his real feelings to his controlling mother and sister, so he takes it out on me. I'm so confused! I feel really bad for him because I know he gets hurt by the things they say sometimes, and how they treat him like he's not capable of thinking for himself and they always know best, but I hate the way he acts towards me too. I really don't know what to do.


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Sep 13, 2018 at 5:33pm

It sounds like she's assimilated to American culture. Overbearing and belligerent.


Sep 13, 2018 at 5:53pm

You sound incredibly intelligent.

You appear to understand the problem.

You sound like youre in a good relationship.

Ditch him before it's too late

Sep 13, 2018 at 5:54pm

Ditch this fat loser before he sucks the life out of you. You can thank me later.


Sep 13, 2018 at 9:52pm

You’re both in abusive relationships

Dump him

Sep 13, 2018 at 11:11pm

Unless you’re okay with being treated that way. Have you tried to ask yourself why you’re even dating someone who doesn’t say he loves you? And why are you staying with someone who is mean? Don’t get it...unless you like? it cuz it sounds like that’s how he’s going to be behaving since you’re not controlling. Heck you’re not in control.

Dump him

Sep 13, 2018 at 11:12pm

Unless you’re okay with being treated that way. Have you tried to ask yourself why you’re even dating someone who doesn’t say he loves you? And why are you staying with someone who is mean? Don’t get it...unless you like? it cuz it sounds like that’s how he’s going to be behaving since you’re not controlling. Heck you’re not in control.

9 13Rating: -4

Hard to insure against

Sep 13, 2018 at 11:13pm

A pre existing condition

I was recently given some advice from a friend

Sep 13, 2018 at 11:49pm

Watch how your partner treats their family and how the family treats your partner. Watch out if you see the red flags because if you get serious, get married and brought into family you will be treated as such.


Sep 14, 2018 at 6:46am

Speak to him about it. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, it probably isn't actually love.

25 8Rating: +17


Sep 14, 2018 at 7:04am

...get out now. Family wounding, especially mommy issues, will reverberate throughout your relationship. Not worth it, in my experience.

24 8Rating: +16

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