Go Read

"I Was A Promiscuous Teen: An Open Letter to All the Men From My Past" and make an attempt to understand. And yes, awful guys - I see your "You just brought this all on yourself, it's never a guys fault" And I raise you almost every male friend I've ever had, who completely stopped speaking to me when they realized sex was really, actually, off the table. To quote one of them: "Why would I be friends with a woman and deal with the discomfort of her not sleeping with me, when I have lots of guy friends". Try and understand the relentless, compounding pain of being taught over and over and over again that almost half the population on the planet doesn't see you as a person. Understand the pain of having the message reinforced over and over that your needs and interests and desires don't matter. Understand the fresh pain on top of that of being told that the ways this has hurt you are your fault, and that you are a bad person for allowing that hurt to get in the way of a guys ability to enjoy you - that that hurt is why you don't get to have access to one of the "nice guys" who want "emotional connection" not just sex - because now you're guarded and prickly, and its not his fault and you're a terrible harpy for being cynical and reading bad intentions, why are you projecting your experiences from your poor choice of men on to this innocent man, you should have known better than to let those guys hurt you in the past (by the way if this guy hurts you, too, it's your fault for not having been wary and guarded enough)


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These guys...

Oct 19, 2018 at 1:18pm

... are right. If you're friends with a guy, it's insulting if you won't have sex with him. I mean, if you have a religious commitment to marriage/monogamy, that is fine, that is respectable, you have some reason. But if you're otherwise hooking up, having multiple partners, etc. and it's just "oh, you're my friend, but not good enough friend for me to touch," it's insulting.

A guy who has guy friends, they don't tend to group them into "oh,well, I'll go hunting with this guy, but this guy is only my fishing friend, oh, and this guy if I have a problem with my cellphone I can talk to him, etc. etc." Guys who have guy friends tend to do 100% of the things guys to together with their guy friends. I am not gay, but I understand that gay men tend to have way fewer hangups about hooking up with friends, etc.

It's nothing to do with you only being valuable as a non-person or an object---that's how women who won't have sex with their male friends are treating them, like the man is an NPC and sex is reserved for PCs. Again, if a woman has some principled commitment, is in a serious relationship, is saving herself or marriage, that is one thing, but that's not most women these days. They're hooking up, just not with the guys they think are NPCs.

The question is why women do this---I am not a woman, but there is a consensus emerging among men that women do this, because as gatekeepers of sex, they can always have a half dozen men orbiting them, on the promise that they might have sex, along with a half dozen men they actually have sex with. So women get attention from men they don't want to sleep with, and if you say sex is off the table, fine, but you should respect that some men aren't going to be your little friend who acts like he's pre-pubescent around you. That's basically what you're saying, you have men who you want to have around who act like pre-pubescent boys, and then you have the men who you will allow to behave like men.

In a world where the majority of women under 30 are hooking up, having casual sex, it's just insulting that they're not willing to make sex like fishing or hunting---if you have a buddy who fishes or hunts, why wouldn't you invite him alone? If you didn't, he'd legitimately feel left out.

Do you use sex to manipulate men for your benefit, or do you share the good times?

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Good news

Oct 19, 2018 at 1:50pm

Tell you what...
I only have a couple of years here until my commitments disappear, one way or another.
Then I'll leave and hardly ever come back, because there will hopefully be no one here for me to visit. I have no close male friends in Canada (or the US), and my ex will probably stay here for a while (good reason to avoid BC). I may have to give up my dogs (shared custody).
I also have few close female friends here, because... Well, too many women think like what you wrote. So we will miss each other (in purely platonic ways), but they all know this place is broken, same as I do (they're transplants, too). They understand. Maybe they'll come and visit me, though it's unlikely. Nobody enjoys spending an entire day in flight (also, rather expensive), and that's how far away I'll be.
So there you have it. One less male to blight your eternal sunshine, very soon.
Better for everyone that way, no?

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I must be a unicorn

Oct 19, 2018 at 2:05pm

I'm an attractive young woman who has never been raped (#notmetoo), and I have plenty of male friends (mostly colleagues), none of them ever made a move on me. I must be extremely lucky or I just know how to pick the good ones.

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At first

Oct 19, 2018 at 3:39pm

At first I was surprised by all the downvotes, but then I remembered that a lot of people on here have, in my opinion, very unhealthy outlooks on sex. As a person who's had to learn again and again that yes, he really did only want sex, I'm sorry you've had a terrible time. I've been lucky enough to be friends with really good men who (while they might have enjoyed having sex with me) would never treat me like that. It helped me stay open and positive. I hope you meet someone who's patient enough to wait for your trust.

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Nice Guy

Oct 19, 2018 at 6:01pm

Is this the reason when I seem to fall for a girl she basically punches her fist straight through the cavity that is my chest pulling it out holding my still beating heart in her hand . Your right it's not fair and I despise those males with two dick heads , but only one dick. The pain I've felt loving is some of the most awful I've ever had to endure . I'd really rather these girls beat me with a bat instead .

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@these guys

Oct 19, 2018 at 6:05pm

You are the reason some women are afraid or hate men. And you don’t even realize why. Scary.

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Aging virgin

Oct 19, 2018 at 6:27pm

My male friends are friends with me because I suppose I add value to their lives in ways that do not involve sex. They don't complain to me. I guess all I can do is shrug.

I'm familiar with the way men are efficient with their time, though. Some men stop speaking to me when they realize that I'm not into one-night stands. Fair enough.

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@These guys...

Oct 19, 2018 at 6:32pm

This is the type of stuff guys write before they go on a killing spree.

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@These Guys

Oct 19, 2018 at 6:50pm

Op here - I'm not saying it's every dude, I do have some really awesome guy friends, but theyre still general the exception. I'm in a monogamous relationship, and I meet guys and we hang out, and they know I have a partner, and I think we're friends... And then they float some sort of poly/swinger nonsense, and when I make it clear that I'm only interested in my partner, they stop talking to me.

Also, I call BS. Everyone has friends they certain interests but not others. I have gaming friends I wouldn't go clubbing with. I have hiking friends who wouldn't be interested in the same movies I am. If you think women come in only two categories - women who should have sex with you and women who belong to someone else - then yeah, your image of women sees them as objects with a sexual purpose.

PS I'm Bi, and somehow I'm capable of understanding that there are women who want to be my friend but don't want to sleep with me. I have lesbian friends that had no problem being my friend when I was single. Why can't guys do that.

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Oct 19, 2018 at 6:59pm

Don't listen to these naysayers, their kind will be culled from the population soon enough.

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