People of Colour...

... need to realize that this Marxist "muh colour makes me oppressed" crap has no place in 2018. Socialism belongs in the dustbin of history. You're not oppressed on the basis of your skin colour. We don't need a rainbow on council, we need the best people for the job no matter their colour. The evil subtext to this talk is that the electorate made a mistake, or that we somehow have a "racist" electoral system because some pre-determined socialist orthodoxy isn't being matched up with. It's pressures like this that remove the legitimacy from democracy. The electors are never wrong, and if you want to alter the system so that the electors are not able to "do the the wrong thing," you don't believe in democracy at all.


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Let me guess..

Oct 28, 2018 at 8:58am

You’re white?

What are you talking about?

Oct 28, 2018 at 9:06am

Marx was a flaming racist.

The hilarious thing

Oct 28, 2018 at 9:37am

A GS article,complaining about racist voters...and gave an example of "only" 2 Asians being elected in Richmond.
I looked it up and of the 20 candidates for mayor and council, 9 were Asian descent.
I looked up,and 55% of the population is they didn't even vote their own people in LOLOLOL!!!.
But did the article go so far as to point this out? No,as the blame must be subtly laid upon the feet of the Caucasian vast minority....

What he/she

Oct 28, 2018 at 9:45am

Said. Social engineering is not a solution for free people.

0 0Rating: 0

You know what I’m tired of?

Oct 28, 2018 at 10:44am

People who think horrendous oppression of the past doesn’t have any effect on future generations. The fact that minorities are being harassed and insulted to this day. There are videos posted every day of minorities being told to “go back to your country” and being called racist slurs. Yet people still have the audacity to say that minorities aren’t being oppressed anymore. And if you protest against it you’re “socialists” and going against democracy. In a democracy you have the right to protest for change. You’re full of crap OP.


Oct 28, 2018 at 11:47am

What a douche

0 0Rating: 0

The electors are never wrong???

Oct 28, 2018 at 1:17pm

Two words: Adolph Hitler.

0 0Rating: 0

Yes OP,how about

Oct 28, 2018 at 1:53pm

The best person for the job?
Surrey is 30% Indo Canadian..why should the left whiners expect them to get all the seats?

It'd be like me- a "privileged" CIS straight white male- running for mayor in East LA or Harlem in NY,with no experience and whining about not winning. Think anyone would listen?

I can't figure out why lefties think the best person for the job,is not the best person for the job. By this example,they are the worst racists around...basing achievements on colour and not merit nor education.

0 0Rating: 0

bilbo baggins

Oct 28, 2018 at 2:21pm


0 0Rating: 0

person of colour answers

Oct 28, 2018 at 2:24pm

Your naive belief that democracy is based on meritocracy and unquestioned perfectibility is stunning and as close to the truth of the matter as Trump is 'always' is.

The critique on the first past the post electoral system is not based on some "pre-determined socialist orthodoxy" but on simple empirical mathematics that is concerned that we have a system that gives near absolute power to a party with minority of popular votes.
It is the uncritical and uninformed that removes the legitimacy from democracy. Do yourself a favour and read some Hannah Arendt. #DontbeanotherEichmann

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