Problem Is All Through Time.

All the people complaining about dating in Vancouver. You know what? It is a problem ALL over the world. It is a problem that has been since we started having men and women on the planet and it will be a problem in the far far future. You know what it boils down to: Men Have To Ask The Women Out. And then......Women are the ones who Choose. And as Chris Rock wrote in his book Women only date 10 per cent of the guys and then say "Why are all there no good men?" So we have women too shy to ask guys out and we have lots of guys that get rejected. It is not rocket science folks. of coarse all of this changes once you get older and put all the bullshit aside and love people for who they are versus their looks. So I guess the advice is Date when Older or Date people who live on Commercial Drive (those folks are not too concerned with money or status). And of coarse there are exceptions to the rule: I have been asked out by women before. I think 4 in my lifetime. But after 45 No's a guy can get down on himself. Women dress up to feel pretty guys have a lot of affairs with women to feel pretty. Anyway it ain't going away folks. There is a line from a movie about a guy who travels from 1920 to 1980 and he says to one guy "What is wrong with him?" The other guys says "Him? Oh he had his heart broken by a woman." The first guy says "They have not fixed that yet?" Pop songs about love, it will never end or go away.


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Oct 15, 2018 at 8:38am

"Women only date 10 per cent of the guys...we have women too shy to ask guys out"

You don't get it. Is there a minority of women who don't flirt with men they find attractive? Yep. Women flirt with and ask out guys they find attractive. Like, does the guy maybe have to do the "hey, you seem to be pawing at me, want to go swimming/hiking/etc.?" but if you think women are just sitting back and stealing glances because they're "too shy," I think you've watched a bit too much TV.

As Mr. Rock says, women only find 10% of men attractive. So rather than wondering "is that girl who I think may be looking at me just too shy to approach me?" realize the answer is no. If she were interested, again, unless she is one of a very small number of women (women get consistent validation and praise just for being women, especially now that the Government is funding that sort of thing) who have legitimate issues with these things. She's not sitting there shyly, doing nothing, wishing you would approach her. She's sitting there thinking "oh God, this sub9 male is looking at me, what do I do?" She's going to look at you out of the corner of her eye, etc. just like she would eye a predator. You can't turn your back on a predator, but you also don't want to make eye contact.

As for asking women out, if you do this at work or school, you're risking firing/reprimand/suspension/expulsion. Within 10-20 years, the same standard will apply everywhere, talking to a woman at a coffee shop will mean she can complain to some "Administrative Tribunal" and have you fined, heck, maybe they will even make it a form of criminal "microassault." There's no limit to what women will do to keep from having to deal with this 90% of men they think are unworthy.

This problem existed pre-agriculture, agriculture made it worse, then agrarian religious and sexual regimentation made it better for a tiny fraction of time. Now we're reverting to a sort of techno-agrarian/pre-agrarian sexual marketplace, since the "sexual revolution." There's nothing revolutionary about treating most men like scum, that is prob. what caused civilization to evolve, men getting a raw deal, banding together to make life not just slaving to death w/o reproducing.

You were doing good..

Oct 15, 2018 at 11:06am

...then you went straight to shit. Guys have affairs to feel "pretty"?

What does asking people out have to do with heartbreak?

All over the place, dude. Peace.


Oct 15, 2018 at 1:13pm

Should avoid commenting on these posts, it's kind of like slamming your head against a brick wall. First of all, Chris Rock is probably not the guy to get dating advice from. He also said women don't have to beg for sex because they are always being offered sex. I can say that is flat-out not true. Guys complain that they are not in the 10% category that women want. I'm assuming by "women" you mean hot cheerleader types, not average looking girls. You keep asking women to give average looking guys a chance, how about doing the same in return? There are plenty of non-cheerleader looking girls with open social calendars. Step away from the computer, put down the B.S. books on "social darwinism", work on being a kind person and go outside once in awhile.


Oct 15, 2018 at 2:18pm

So many guys post about women are so insanely defeatist. "If I talk to a woman I'll get arrested so I don't" They think they are making a great point but it's just hateful and depressing to read.

pretty average

Oct 15, 2018 at 4:18pm

I was dateless in high school. My acne was like a vineyard. My racial ethnicity was not helping me - my parents believed in bowl cuts, but my wispy teen mustache was ok. I was only coordinated enough to read books and to reach for the chips with one hand. Thick glasses too!

However, taking a martial arts class in university gave me something to do other than thinking about how much sex I was not having, and that led inexorably to a fitness lifestyle that left me feeling generally somewhat confident and having cheekbones, apparently a good thing. Being someone that no one wanted to talk to made me a better listener, also a good thing. And all those books - um...yeah, career, travel, a touch of worldiness, and laser eye surgery.

Not claiming to be a stud now - who you are at age 15 is who you think you are at 35, is my thought - but I don't frighten women away.

All this is of course bragging but my constructive point is that YOU, INCEL MAN, have a real chance to FIX your REPELLENT EXTERIOR. And why am I YELLING. So you should please do it. For our sake. The world is full of frowning men. We should smile more, it makes us more attractive.

@No and Anonymous

Oct 15, 2018 at 5:31pm

In N America, 35% of women think that if a guy they don't know compliments them,it is sexual harassment.
25% think that if a guy asks then out for a drink,he is sexually harassing her. So it's not a defeatist attitude,it is reality.
Don't believe me,google it.
Now of course,the surveys didn't get into how good looking the guy was- as only creepy low value men would likely be considered to be harassers when asking a woman out.


Oct 15, 2018 at 6:21pm

Nobody is saying a man is going to get arrested, necessarily. They're saying that all bets are off as to what will "trigger" a modern woman. And if she is "triggered," there's nothing you can do, and, in a University/work environment, your intentions _will not matter_ all that will matter is that she "felt harassed."

Oh please

Oct 15, 2018 at 7:31pm

What a total load. Speaking from experience here’s my take (as a hetero woman): going out with a group of women, some of whom are gorgeous, others average. The ones that get approached are the average ones that are audacious and flirty. The truly gorgeous ones get ogled and leered at, but if they’re not flirty or they’re shy, they usually end up completely alone. Men like EASY. Period. The ones who don’t mind a challenge (such as the possibility that they might get a no), will pretty much always at the very least spend some time talking and/or dancing and may even go home with a number or two. As for waiting until you’re older to date, if you’re a man, no problem. If you’re female, forget about it. The guys that are still single at your age are the same ones that only wanted easy when they were younger. They still want young hot EASY women, and they’re not mature or secure enough to handle a mature woman who might actually offer them a challenge or two. If you actually want to meet quality people the best places to do that is anywhere other than a bar or nightclub.

@Oh please.

Oct 15, 2018 at 8:18pm

I thought : WOW, a woman who doesn't play the victim and blame, and the all-men-are-unemployed-dogs or pump and dumpers game.
And was with you until "The guys that are still single at your age are the same ones that only wanted easy.They still want young hot EASY women, and they’re not mature or secure enough to handle a mature woman who might actually offer them a challenge or two."

How about the shy guys? Or the guys who got abused by women and want no more (like me)? Or was too busy with a career? Or never could get a good career and feels inadequate? Took care of his ailing parents for years (like me)? Has a hidden disability (like me)?

So deep down, you really do think that men who won't marry and sign up for a life of servitude are losers after all.......


Oct 16, 2018 at 12:26am

"If I show interest in a woman they'll get triggered so I won't" Defeatist.

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