Puritanical bullies

Politics aside, why do some people feel the need to dictate how other people should live their lives? What is it about some people who feel they’ve been cast as the ultimate judge of others’ characters, lifestyle choices, etc.? With increasing frequency, the same people who claim to be so open-minded and inclusive are the first to act extremely judgemental — to the point of being puritanical — if they feel, for whatever reason, that you don’t measure up. I’d rather be flawed and hold socially unacceptable opinions than even attempt to conform to their judgmental standards and narrow-minded viewpoints.


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Born and raised

Nov 19, 2018 at 1:19pm

The people in this city have always been the arbiters of truth and justice. No one does smug and sanctimony like the people here. Is this a new realisation for you? Maybe you recently arrived from elsewhere? Anyway's, get used to it because it's not going to change. You can't fix something that doesn't want to be fixed. Self delusions funny that way.

19 9Rating: +10

@Born and raised

Nov 19, 2018 at 1:46pm

OP here: I’m from here too and can never get used to it.

Anthropology 101

Nov 20, 2018 at 8:03am

If you look globally at cultural groups you will see exactly zero cultures where people can say and do what they want. In fact, one of the defining characteristics of culture is the use of language and practice so that everyone is on the same page. Why? Because existence is precarious and it goes better for all of us if we aren't squabbling like toddlers. There's nothing wrong with questioning assumptions about why things are done but "You aren't the boss of me" is just adolescent time-wasting.

19 9Rating: +10


Nov 20, 2018 at 3:09pm

is an expert in everyone else's affairs.

@Anthropology 101

Nov 21, 2018 at 8:18am

Wow, we can also not find a single animal that uses treaties or contracts, other than humans, so, really, treaties and contracts are "adolescent legalism," right?

Freedom is the natural power of doing whatever one please, except as forbidden by law or force. Servitude is when, contrary to freedom, one is bound by an assembly to do or not do something.

Some of us have evolved beyond the level of beast at which you would have us exist---we understand the law of nature, which is the same law that grants us freedom.

Your descriptive analysis, which may even be true anthropologically, doesn't enter into the ethical or spiritual realm. Should things be this way? Just because they are does not mean they ought to be that way.

Freedom is never time-wasting. Anyone bound by an assembly (parliament, convention, council, court, etc.) is a servant, the only question is whether such is voluntary or involuntary. AFAIK involuntary servitude is considered contrary to peremptory law these days, so the only possible way you get bound by an assembly under international law is by consent, that is, by voluntary conservation under the assembly.

The issue is what is the 'law' that ought to restrict our freedom? It's not anything made by human hands. The law of an assembly is like a poem; the law of nature is not a poem, it is physics...

13 8Rating: +5


Nov 22, 2018 at 9:02am

Your use of the word puritanical makes me think that you’re talking about something that’s likely socially unacceptable in most regards. So I’d say that’s pretty typically something that isn’t going to be a topic that the majority of society either approves of or is comfortable talking about in a public place. Sorry but you live in a society, and that’s how societies are universally, including in the animal kingdom. If you hold ideals or practice behaviour that’s outside of the norm in your society, you’re going to have to deal with the consequences of that. I’m not passing judgment on you because I don’t know what your specific issue is that you’re being judged about, but for example if you were a pedophile who’s being judged and you expect to be free to practice that behaviour without judgment, your expectation would not be realistic. Lots of other examples I could use but you get my point.

8 13Rating: -5


Nov 23, 2018 at 6:48am

OP here: Viewpoints and opinions held, not obviously morally reprehensible behaviour, such as that suggested in your post.

9 9Rating: 0

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