I love food do you?

Okay so I am a bit overweight but recent health issues have led to that. Ordinarily the extra calories that I consume would be gone during a strenuous workout and it is only as I have aged that the extra weight is showing and I have to change my diet. The thing is, once you have been deprived of food you might appreciate it more, that is what happened to me when as a teen I left my dysfunctional home and had to sleep at a friend's home or on the concrete. There were no shelters for anyone let alone youth in those days. Food was scarce and I learned to appreciate vegetables and home made food by going without. Then, as a young college student and as a young mom, years later, appreciated all the good food cooked by my family and learned how to cook some dishes myself. Living in Vancouver during the Christmas season with my child as single parent we received donations. Some of food, some financial. The best food donations were freshly bought at the store and our sponsor gave us vouchers to go with it so we could buy turkey or whatever we chose to buy. I think after years have passed and in retrospect I think the food bank should try to accept mostly cash donations and buy the freshest possible food for clients rather than accept donated food, I mean if you want to share your groceries give them to your neighbor and as we are learning now the people who are very poor really need cash in hand and need desperately fresh nutritious high quality food. They need that food to be able to have enough strength to survive another night and another day tomorrow... we need to pass on our good wishes and gifts to the people who need it the most.


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Dec 6, 2018 at 5:26pm

"I think the food bank should try to accept mostly cash donations and buy the freshest possible food for clients rather than accept donated food"
So you propose they just throw it away?

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