To those contacts

Who post those feel good memes and videos on Facebook. Helping puppies, saving the environment, honourable political views. Here is your 'slacktavism' medal of honour. Slacktavism - actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement. Thank you for giving insight into your well minded yet lazy persona. The lobbyists you have become.


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Terminal City

Dec 8, 2018 at 10:24pm

I'd wear a yellow vest a turn over a car if we could get organized and people would grab their balls.

7 3Rating: +4

franky bone tones

Dec 8, 2018 at 10:41pm

Are you done with your complaining? You should get out of your house or apartment or basement or whatever, it's the weekend, go call your friends & do something instead of ranting online here, besides it'll be good for your mental health :)

6 4Rating: +2

Get a life

Dec 8, 2018 at 11:14pm

At least they take an action. At least they are concerned. At least they keep those in their lives informed that share their concerns. Not everyone can take the time off their jobs and from providing for their families to go chain themselves to a rain forest, or burn a car in the street to make a political statement. Personally, I'm betting all you do is sit in your mother's basement all day, playing video games and masturbating.

3 13Rating: -10


Dec 9, 2018 at 11:51am

You're so superior

6 8Rating: -2


Dec 9, 2018 at 9:30pm

And yet you're too lazy to proofread your own post and spell Slacktivism correctly even though you've clearly copy and pasted the definition from a Google search. Gold star, hat tip and kudos to you... *slow clap*

6 6Rating: 0

Re: Get a life

Dec 10, 2018 at 11:06am

Its been coined Slacktvism for a reason. Its a quick feel good action to benefit yourself rather than provide any sort of anything to the actual cause. Let the world know you are a good person by not actually doing anything for your cause.

12 8Rating: +4

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