Deleting Facebook ( or Fakebook)

I've been seriously considering deleting my facebook account. I haven't posted anything in years other than being tagged in photos by my friends. I was initially happy to be able to reconnect with old friends until I realized that even though we are " connected" ( on social media, that is), we are not really connected in real life anymore. Besides, I don't care about their selfies or babies photos and I'm not going to "like" their photos just so they like mine in return. I just don't have the energy and I think there are better ways of spending my time. I figured that if someone really wants to contact me, they can still call or email me. Have any of you who have deleted their facebook accounts ever regretted it?


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Jan 23, 2019 at 2:24pm

...and rarely miss it. Friended the wrong person and the constant posting was killing me. Why are some people so freaking needy?

I never...

Jan 23, 2019 at 2:30pm

... had one. Don't regret it.

24 9Rating: +15


Jan 23, 2019 at 4:35pm

deleted my FB a month ago, WhatsApp and SnapChat 2 weeks ago, Im still using Telegram, emails, calls and texts. Never had Instagram. Im 22 which is I find really rare at my age

18 8Rating: +10

Who cares?

Jan 23, 2019 at 5:35pm

I don't go on Facebook regularly either, and never post. But it is sometimes useful for stuff like checking business/organization pages, and reading comments on news stories. A lot of people open an account, and just forget about it. They don't go through the trouble of closing their account.

For someone who pretends not to care about Facebook, you sure did put a lot of thought into the decision to close it or not to close it. Why do selfies and baby photos bother you so much? Sounds like insecurities to me. Also, do you plan to stay in touch with your friends after you go offline? Or do you expect them to do all the work to reach out to you?

Why make such a big deal about it? If this is the biggest problem you have in life, you are extremely privileged.


Jan 23, 2019 at 5:45pm

"Considering"? Haven't you been watching the news? Why would anyone use it after all the controversy from the fake news to the fact that it spies on you and sells your personal information. "Considering". Wow.


Jan 23, 2019 at 5:55pm

I deleted my Instagram less than a week ago, spewnt too much time on it, got jealous of others having fun with others, I want to eventually delete my Facebook account but jesus muhammad effing christ it's a god damn drug & addiction, so hopefully one day

15 6Rating: +9

Even though I'm out, they still try to drag me back in..

Jan 23, 2019 at 7:18pm

You can quit Facebook but Facebook won't quit you. Although I deleted it years ago, they're still out there sticking their cookies in so many sites, even this one as it uses their comments plugin.

13 8Rating: +5

no regerts

Jan 23, 2019 at 7:47pm

Deleted it 6 or 7 years ago. No regrets whatsoever. And I definitely don’t miss the token bullshit “happy birthday!”s that I received on the fake birthday I had put in when I opened the account.


Jan 23, 2019 at 7:51pm

Can you not just ignore it? Maybe the people you have on there are less active than my friends, but I just ignore mine other than for event invites. It's the easiest way for many of my friends to organise that stuff.

I keep Messenger, because Facebook is the default for most of my friends. I hand some friends I text, some I use Messenger with, some I use Instagram with - some who I do all with. I feel like I'd miss out on a lot of potential connection with my friends if I didn't do this. We share different media, different "I thought of you"s, plan where we want to go hike or stay.

Other than getting tagged or sent these posts that are connected to social media, though, I don't really use it myself. I rarely post on Facebook. But if my friends couldn't invite me to things on it, it would be a hassle. I organize group dinners, and coordinating that off Facebook would be more of a hassle.

Follow your heart, but these are my reasons for keeping it up and running (as running as it is).

Do it

Jan 23, 2019 at 9:04pm

One of the best things I’ve done for myself :). It’s worth it, more time for yourself, less negativity.

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