
How hard is it for a guy to dress appropriately for a date? Am I asking too much? I am not expecting him to be wearing a suit with a Roberto Cavalli tie. I mean you guys have no idea the process we take getting ready for a date. Its hours. Then the guy shows up at the restaurant and it looks like he rolled out of bed. Iron your dress shirts please. It just looks awful when its all wrinkly. I am o.k. with guys wearing sports shoes to a date as long as they're clean. Oh also shower everyday. On the bus and train you can tell when guys don't shower everyday. I am not saying all guys are like this. Some just need a little help because I read these posts and I think if they just present themselves better they won't be so bitter.


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I grew up...

Feb 18, 2019 at 9:20am

... with a single mother who's never showered more than a couple of times a week, who doesn't ever launder her outer garments, who eats a shit diet, who, as she has gotten older, has started to smell of feces.

I think I have done pretty will for having been raised by a garbage person. I shower, I wear clean clothes, I clean my outerwear.

But what you don't seem to understand is that you're picking guys based on their bones/facial structure, not how they dress. The same single mother told me mouth breathing was "natural" and we now know of ample academic evidence suggesting that mouth breathing causes skull deformity.

So, I did pretty good for not having a dad around, I think, but I'm never going to learn how to go back in time to fix my childhood breathing habits, so, it doesn't matter what I wear, you won't be interested.


Feb 18, 2019 at 10:05am

How hard is it for a woman to act appropriately for a date? Am I asking too much? I am not expecting her to be a Victoria's Secret model but at least try to get some exercise. I mean you women have no idea the process we men take in staying healthy and keeping fit. Its hours a week. Then the gal shows up at the restaurant and it looks like she rolled out the pizza pretty hard over the winter.
Don't wear so much black to try and camoflage your belly. You're not fooling us when you wear those 2 toned tops. Get some exercise please. It just looks awful when muffin tops are out.
I am o.k. with gals wearing lululemons to a date as long as she's fit enough to be in them. Oh also shower everyday,and stop looking at your phone all the time. On the bus and train you can tell when gals won't shower everyday.
I am not saying all gals are like this. Some just need a little help because I read these posts and I think if they just present themselves better they won't be such bitter misandrists,posting on Confessions and forums that "there's no men in Vancouver"

Hold on a second

Feb 18, 2019 at 10:42am

1. Yes, you're asking too much.
2. Most guys dont care about "the process". Or how long it takes for you to get ready. Most guys dont ask for women to go through "the process".
3. I thought women dolled themselves up for themselves, not to impress some man?
4. Nobody wears dress shirts or sports shoes to bed, so no, we dont look like we rolled out of bed.
5. Iron my shirt? Obviously you're not speaking to me directly, but, I work 12- 14 hours a day. And that's just work, that doesnt include the time I spend on the rest of adulting. I'm already doing something for you just by making time for you, and you want to complain that my shirt has a couple wrinkles?.
6. Wait a minute, you ride public transit, and your up here with this judgemental attitude. What have you done with your life?


Feb 18, 2019 at 10:47am

You will get a lot of hate for the post from men. You are only trying to help. Dressing better and showering would do wonders for the men here.

the truth

Feb 18, 2019 at 1:26pm

The truth is that if he hasn't made an effort, he really isn't invested in the date.
If someone is excited to see you and wants to impress you, he will try. Instead, it sounds like you are dating guys who are showing up because you are available, not because they are interested in you.
Basically, if he shows up looking rough, he is showing you how he truly feels about you.


Feb 18, 2019 at 4:35pm

I wear old t-shirts and pants with holes in them.

I could afford a suit.

Do I want to be with a woman who is only interested in my clothing?

@the truth

Feb 18, 2019 at 6:03pm

Guy can put in a ton of effort,but if she doesn't like his choice of shoes or thinks the shirt doesn't match....its the same result.

Women can show up in jeans,a regular shirt and 99% of guys won't care. He's interested in you as a person..not the clothes (indication of socio-economic status)you wear.

The simple truth is that women start out with high expectations and then find faults and problems to chip down the value of the guy.
Guys start out with mediocre expectations,and then find things to add to bring her value up.
Note the difference

Just what we need

Feb 18, 2019 at 6:32pm

Another incel on here complaining how she can't get dates.

@Just what we need

Feb 19, 2019 at 7:52am

There is no such thing as a female incel.

An incel is a male who nobody wants to have sex with. A "female incel" is a woman who is lusting after 9/10 men but who is being rejected. Any woman could easily have her looksmatch or better, but most women find all but 10-20% of men unattractive.

@@Just what we need

Feb 19, 2019 at 10:04am

There are plenty of women that are so ugly that nobody wants to have sex with them.

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