Past The "Honeymoon" Phase

I was single for 5 years and during that time, most of my friends just ignored me in favour of their partners. Now I have one too - I can do the same, but they'll never notice.


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I'd notice

Feb 22, 2019 at 12:02pm

It's always tbe same what is the easiest is the path. I get it it is easy to forget that while you are doing your best option atm. You forgot coldly so there was a back here. Where I stil Iive with the hope and drean of big beautiful yhings. i would never ask anyone to abandonb themselves for me, I do ask that you remember back here we still having feelings and are still human beings lost too.


Feb 22, 2019 at 10:29pm

Your friend has a life, partner, family... but you're making it all about yourself. Why should they be the ones responsible for reaching out to you when they're already busy with their lives? Instead of passive-aggressively shaming them for prioritizing their life and family (totally normal and expected), why can't you be more understanding as a "friend"? If you're single and want to hang out, you should be the one contacting them. You sound very immature and selfish.


Feb 23, 2019 at 2:00pm

How dare you?
Because he's single he has to do extra work on a friendship!? This...this shitty entitled attitude is the problem.
Singles have busy lives too. Just because they aren't anchored to another human being to save on bills doesn't meantheir time is any less precious or valuable. That time is used to do the same things you do, i.e. preserve relationships and work on one's aspects of living. But your smug sense of entitlement, which bleeds into workplace policy for example, thinks singles should sacrifice more because they aren't formally beholden to another.
I hear coupled-off friends (and especially those who breed) bemoaning how lonely they are and really I have no sympathy. If you don't put in the work, you don't have results and that includes friendships. The OP made a simple yet very on-point observation.
People have relationships and friends nurtured while they're younger and are no less busy, but somewhere when people get older they use the relationship to cocoon from the world, expecting compensation and excess accommodation. It's not healthy for neither the relationship nor the individual.
You just don't like this entitlement threatened because it means equity in effort and it threatens the perks of your manufactured specialness. Well, suck it up. If you want friends...or anything in have to make an effort regardless of your status. Being attached or with other lifestyle CHOICES (yes, you choose your burdens) that come with breeding does not entitle you with free passes for social sloth.

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