On ghosting

Ghosting may be rude, but it's sometimes necessary. Gavin de Becker, who provides security to celebrities and politicians, writes in his book "The Gift of Fear" that if you reject somebody, and they don't accept the rejection, then ghosting is the safest thing to do. Then they can't argue with you about why you owe them a date or a relationship. Some people can take rejection gracefully. Those are the people who find ghosting to be unnecessary and rude. They are not aware that there exist people who can't handle rejection. And then - here's the kicker - there are people who can't get others to respect their boundaries unless they flip over tables, wave their fists, and yell and scream and scare everybody. I am one of them. You know the type - I was singled out for bullying on the first day of high school, and it didn't stop until the last day. People don't stop hurting me when I say no. It's as if they can't hear me. I have to be rude just to be heard. So if the world is kind to you, good for you. It's not kind to me. Just because everybody deserves respect and kindness doesn't mean that everybody will receive it. The world is unfair like that. Some people need to ghost to have their wishes respected, while some don't.


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May 17, 2019 at 10:08am

Rejecting someone, then luring them back, then repeating the process followed by ghosting them is never acceptable.

How a narcissist eventually checks out

May 17, 2019 at 10:18am

Going around playing emotional games with people, and triggering a psychotic breakdown in the wrong person is how a narcissist will eventually get themselves killed.


May 17, 2019 at 10:34am

Ghosting is just a coward's way of rejecting. No real or steadfast rejection that isn't backtracked on is ever given before the ghosting takes place. If it was, it wouldn't be ghosting, you wouldn't even be able to call it that.

About that

May 17, 2019 at 10:34am

I can understand when you spell out your desire to end something and provide opportunity for closure and someone persists after that, that you ghost them. But what we are seeing as a go-to is people just disappearing, ghosting because they don't want the inconvenience of confrontation or any form of conflict. That's weak, and way too prevalent to allow. We are better than that. Or we should be.

To those people I say this:

F*ck you. You were part of if not instigator of the drama when you chose to get involved. Your interaction that went beyond one chance meeting means you contributed to the mess youre trying to ditch. Grow up, grow a pair and state your intentions of leaving. Count on the other to ask why. They need to hear it. Perhaps because so you both can grow, or learn, or at least so they know what's going on. If they don't get it after you spell it out (and no hints or beating around the bush either; s p e l l it out), you've done your part.
They might get emotional. You should count in it. Suck it up, as their reason is often due to your creating an expectation that you shouldn't have created and led them on to believe. If you don't want emotion, date your OS on your smartphone instead and don't get involved with people at all; it's the price of human interaction and we all have to pay to play. And if you're that concerned for your safety, do "the talk" in a public place (but be discrete, like not in the middle but off to the side somewhere, so there's no humiliation).
They might have been misunderstood. You might have been a terrible communicator and it's how you got to "here". This allows for things to be cleared up.
Lastly, by offering closure the chances are high that you don't have to be a douche and ghost someone. The closure will be enough. If not, then you can play hardball.


May 17, 2019 at 10:37am

is an emotional assault, usually carried out by a narcissist. It's a form of bullying.

Somewhat Insightful

May 17, 2019 at 12:55pm

I'd never experienced ghosting until I met one woman. I think everyone until then knew me better or took the time to get to know me and realize I'd respect boundaries. To me, it was as obvious as acknowledging feelings and turning me down, the process would take 30 mins max, and then everyone could be clear and carry-on. It would have helped me and made my life way better, that's for sure. Instead I spent years mourning how she treated me. Had many attempts at ghostbusting, less about how I wanted to be treated, and more really wanting to believe she'd eventually see what she was doing as destructive. I eventually found peace on my own terms, simply growing tired of mourning the way someone else thought I should be treated. It's a bad place when someone treats you poorly and you stay tied hoping they eventually empathize or humanize you. I get that ghosters are trying to protect themselves from men (generally) who don't take well to rejection, but it's definitely an act of bridge burning or carelessness. I'm with you that the world isn't a place of just consequence, but when someone ghosts you out and it seems completely unwarranted, is that the respect and kindness you seemingly wish to manifest upon the world? My foray into the world of ghosts wasn't that exciting: I felt I deserved her taking the time to shoot me down after professing my love to her. Instead she took the biggest cattle prod she could find and I grew to resent it. Honestly, maybe she was bullied in high school too, and maybe she needed to transfer pain onto someone else in some other form. I would have preferred one in the dome, instead I got hacked to bits by a squeamish butcher with pangs of consciousness.

Wrong conclusion

May 17, 2019 at 1:20pm

If someone ghosts you or bullies you, it doesn't have to do with you but with them. What makes you think they only do it to you and not anyone else? More likely, they do it to everyone, you're just one of them.


May 17, 2019 at 2:28pm

Is lying
Pretentending to be someone your not..
Sneaky , underhanded ,
Weak way to see if someone likes you or to just leave a friendship, if you choose.. Who are you?
To have a connection with no risk
Cowardly in my books
Take it like a Man
Grow some Balls...
Pride.. Thats all it is..
Scared your pride will be hurt..
Why you going to die..
Grow Up
Take a chance People...

Ghosting is deserved in some cases..

May 17, 2019 at 6:29pm

If you treat someone like garbage you should expect they won't want anything to do with you. If I treated someone like garbage, I would expect to be discarded, unless I'm arrogant and think I'm entitled to a place in someone's life, despite very obvious, intentional and malicious treatment of them. And in the case where I have wronged someone, I have admitted to my wrongdoings and removed myself as well, from that person's life. The people who treat us poorly, are delusional if they think they deserve a place in our lives. No one owes anyone anything. There are many people in this world, why allow those who are negative and destructive in? I think OP sounds arrogant and entitled, and is making excuses for shitty behaviour. We all come with baggage, no one has a perfect childhood or life. So stop making excuses, and face yourself for what you are. Maybe you'll find the reasons for being ghosted in the mirror.

@how a narcissist eventually

May 17, 2019 at 6:31pm

Fuck your attempt at intimidation.

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