Its O.K.

It is so hard to find a decent man in the lower mainland. You know someone who wants a commitment that will lead to marriage and kids. I make $90,000 a year and its o.k. if the man I am with makes a little less than me. I don't care about how much money you make as long as you do good honorable work. I am tired of dating these guys with no jobs or ambition who think dating 5 or 6 girls is acceptable. I should be your number one. When I text you - you should text me back. Don't wait an hour or two to respond. I just need one decent guy to spend the rest of my life with and then I will be happy.


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I prefer...

May 7, 2019 at 6:31pm

... to work in the home, thanks. I have a home, so your $90k will be enough to sustain it and the children. But I don't text. I am too busy cooking!

Eat your cake

May 7, 2019 at 6:59pm

You want someone with a full schedule, but also at your beck and call? A couple of hours is not a long time to wait if your beau is busy, and if you actually care about them lol

What do you do op?

May 7, 2019 at 7:17pm

What do you do op?

24 9Rating: +15


May 7, 2019 at 7:19pm

"I make $90,000 a year and its o.k. if the man I am with makes a little less than me. I don't care about how much money you make as long as you do good honorable work."

Thanks for the laugh. I especially love the "a little less than me" part.

I don't text, I'm an adult.

May 7, 2019 at 8:03pm

You have more baggage then YVR and that line about texting immediately says you're insecure by a New York mile.



May 7, 2019 at 8:09pm

a little less means 89k lol

Ugh gross

May 7, 2019 at 8:15pm

You sound so painful.
High maintenance.
Unaware of self.
Enjoy being single, number 6!


May 7, 2019 at 8:30pm

Totally agree! A lot of guys hitting up females at the gym (and wherever else) using the "soldier/veteran" cover story. Nah buds, you're unemployed because you're a freeloader on disability and none of it has to do with war.
And some men (like some women) tend to think if they bring great sex to the table they don't have to bring anything else...and far be it for them to deprive other women of their special skill set! Those other women provide much-needed resources, which could come in handy when illicit funds become scarce or if they get in trouble with the law.
"Nice girls"- with good jobs and whose forgiveness and naivete know no bounds, are this kinda guys fave targets. Cause we just take it, because we think love will conquer all.
News flash: It doesn't.
I recommend hanging out at grad school campus coffee shops to meet men with ambition and brains.


May 7, 2019 at 8:48pm

Does Vancouver have a sperm bank? DIY. With all the effort in getting men to get in touch with their feelings and stop acting like baboons, society has created the self-aware male. Congratulations you did it. So now men are confronted with a multitude of reasons they may not want to be married with kids. Obviously financial. They don't want to be held back in life and they have dreams. Existential crises. The world has become too competitive and opportunities are far and few between and they feel like losers. So they say to themselves, I don't want to fail as a father. The planet is dying so they wonder what the future of their children will be. We are in the middle of the largest mass extinction since the dinosaurs. They've struggled with mental illness and don't wan to pass it down to their children. 1 in 25 adults will struggle with mental illness. The truth is the human species is pretty screwed up but that's another post.

I could go on, the modern man is a little more complicated thanks to modern psychology. Society has created a minor Kierkegaard or a Nietzche in all of us. We ask ourselves, "what's the point?" everyday. Look into that sperm bank. DIY.

Troll alert

May 7, 2019 at 9:57pm

Many men have jobs and ambition. Perhaps the OP has not dated them because they do not want to.

Many women are not as critical and demanding as this troll posting wants us to believe.

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