
It was my birthday this week. It's a day or early morning reflection for most people I think. I am so happy that I was born in Canada. I'm so happy I lived during a time when there was no internet and or cell phones. When you passed someone on the street you'd make eye contact and say hello. You respected other humans that were in your space, period. I'm happy that I have gained the power of knowledge by making many mistakes. I'm glad i've seen the world and it has humbled me. I'm glad I don't love freely, keep my circle tight and invest in it. The thing that made me the happiest this week, is waking up calm and zen-like. Happy to feel happy with what and who I have and need nothing more besides health.


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Jun 14, 2019 at 1:59pm

Beautifully said, beautiful thoughts..
Thank you for enlightening my day :)


Jun 14, 2019 at 2:34pm

Happy Birthday!!!
I hope your day (and week) is lovely for you.
Enjoy the time you have, and the people you have around you to share it with.

Happy Birthday!

Jun 14, 2019 at 5:36pm

Who are the losers that down vote this?


Jun 15, 2019 at 5:19am

Glad to hear something positive for once. Have a happy birthday and all the very best!

The OP

Jun 17, 2019 at 5:59am

I forgot I wrote this, I was barely awake. Thank you everyone for the beautiful comments, you've made my Monday!

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