I confess I love being single

And it amazes me how many people out there, both male and female jump in and out of relationships, never taking even a few months of “me” time and enjoying their own space/freedom. A lot of sad, insecure people out there.


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Jun 11, 2019 at 6:41am

For you.
Single and loving it.
Answer to know one.
Do what you like
Are you getting much sex?
Thats fun too.

Good thing

Jun 11, 2019 at 8:13am

It’s great that your smug superiority keeps you so humble!

Jungle hovercrafts.

Jun 11, 2019 at 11:33am

The monkey branching and breadcrumbing in Vancouver is incredible to say the least.

I've noticed most dating app users trade facial stds as Mount pleasant looks like herpes is a free gift for all applicant.

8 45Rating: -37

Sad and Insecure

Jun 11, 2019 at 12:21pm

I see your comment as reflective of the ease with which you acquire new paramours. I congratulate you on your good fortune.

It is quite similar to the affluent actor or consultant who announces that they will be taking a year off to be with family or to meditate in Tibet. Good for them!

But your magisterial suggestions to the sad and insecure reflects a lack of compassion. Just as some must strive for income and cannot take time off, some are also trying to establish a lasting pair bond for the sake of reproduction or other valued objective, and don't feel that they can waste the time.

It's all unimportant though, is it not? I mean, why not leave the sad and insecure to their benighted state? You are quite secure there, luxuriating in the musk of your fabulousness, are you not?

Me too

Jun 11, 2019 at 2:07pm

I was just sitting here enjoying the peace, quite and solitude browsing the net. No nagging, no ones shitty music, no one gossiping on the phone. Just freedom.

Ticking clock

Jun 12, 2019 at 10:14am

Nothing compares. I'm filled with more confidence and joy alone than I ever was chasing after guys who made me feel crazy for caring or being in relationships where no amount of financial or emotional support was good enough. There's no going back.

Bob Saget

Jun 12, 2019 at 12:24pm

Some people just can't stay single for more than 2 seconds. Doesn't matter if it's toxic or not.

Sorry your a loser

Jun 15, 2019 at 7:00am

Lonely is a lone and lonely be the a lone heart. Enjoy!

Sad and insecure

Jun 18, 2019 at 2:14pm

Who are you?
You respond to alot of posts.
I see your sense of intellect in your responces. Not saying you correct on all of your them, but quite interesting.
Do you have formal training in psycho therapy or in the mental health field, Relationship Expert?
If this bloody spell check was not messing around.
Dam the big words I'd be throwing at you right now.
Anyhow your Interesting
You seem to have some time on your hands. To give us peasants your wisdom.
Thank you so much.
Do we owe you any money for this advice?


@@ sad and insecure

Jun 20, 2019 at 6:21pm

Why are you flirting with a random, anonymous wordsturbator?

6 12Rating: -6

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