
I think maybe I've been lonely since childhood.


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The great psychologist Maslow

Jun 11, 2019 at 1:06pm

who was actually more a philosopher than a head-shrink ... taught that we humans have a hierarchy of needs: food, clothing, shelter, oxygen but also of key importance: a sense of community/family and a sense of purpose. As our society becomes more and more unable to meet these basic needs; the Nurse Rat-shits of 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest' conveniently label the sufferers 'mental ill' and the justice system conveniently labels others: 'criminals.' ..... it's time for the grown-ups in the human family to stand up and restore coherency in a loving, but firm tuff-love non-extremest way.


Jun 11, 2019 at 1:47pm

We all feel lonely.
Sending some happy vibes your way.
Open your Heart, cause you never know when magic will happen.

Grew up alone

Jun 11, 2019 at 5:20pm

Lived my life alone, due to said shitty mom and sisters.
No GF,ever.
I have nothing to gauge from,to compare to.
So am I lonely?
I honestly have no idea.

Only Child

Jun 12, 2019 at 11:50am

yep, became an introvert without even knowing it.

20 9Rating: +11

@The Great

Jun 12, 2019 at 1:02pm

Wow you have been at the same this is a shitty way to live place I was at. I guess we must have somehow come on to the same sort of way of a transition back... scratch that a new way of being human. Jesus say what you want the man was no fucking moron at all. He has stated that humans are living ass backwards to the way it should be. A world based on a lot to all of his principles maybe not such a bad place. Who cares where he was all those years but it was important of that I have no doubt.

I'm too frustrated to even find time

Jun 12, 2019 at 1:23pm

To consider if I'm lonely. How precious is that? By the time I untangle the ever-present knot of contention, I'm too tired for anything but nappy time

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