The Alcoholic Culture

It seems that alcohol has become more acceptable than smoking of any kind. Prolonged alcohol use is dangerous for the liver and kidneys, but there aren't enough advertisements warning people of these dangers, only ones that make drinking alcohol look cool and sexy. Marijuana is frowned upon, you can't even light a doobie on the street without getting dirty looks from people waving their hands in front of their faces to dispell the smoke. I guess they prefer breathing in car exhaust. The fact is, there has been no overdoses or health effects from breathing in second hand smoke from marijuana or even smoking marijuana. I think the public needs to be better informed on these issues.


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I'm With You

Sep 2, 2019 at 12:28am

Except for "The fact is, there has been effects from breathing in second hand smoke from marijuana or even smoking marijuana."

Come on, you can not say "The fact is" when you are making something up.
Countless peer reviewed articles and studies (and as well common sense which seems to be lacking these days) show that smoke in you lungs is not a good thing.

You saying the opposite,does not make it true.


Sep 2, 2019 at 1:45am

Nobody likes people who smell like ass, except people who like the smell of ass.
My neighbor, who smokes, was grilling in his back yard today. He told me that legalization made things much worse. He hates it when people blaze in public. Or even walk into a store right behind him, just after they had some, and shop for food while they stink of pot.
As an ex-smoker, I know from experience how much it dulls the senses, especially taste and smell. So if y'all bug this smoker neighbor of mine, then it doesn't matter what the evidence says. I certainly hate it - you stink something awful. Dead bodies and seaweed.
Also, your health claims are extremely suspect, because absence of data does not mean absence of harm. Every kind of soot studied so far, contained carcinogenic and toxic particles. Many of them nanomaterials (carbon, especially) that settle and persist in the surrounding area.
Yes, you still have to be considerate of others. If you smell bad, they will hate that and avoid you, like you're Pigpen from Charlie Brown.
When you drink, you don't stink up the place. The health consequence falls mostly on you. Advertising has nothing to do with it.
You could do tons of blow and pop all kinds of pills, all day, every day. As long as these chemicals don't make you lose your sh*t in public, nobody much will care, or even notice.
Until you make yourself a problem for other people, the world will just get on with things.
How is this not obvious?


Sep 2, 2019 at 2:40am

Normal people like to drink alcohol. Just because you don't means little to the rest of us.

Your silly dope has now been legalised. I know people who have done time in jail for smoking weed. Legalisation doesn't give you a platform to preach.

Of course you will forget this post within 30 seconds after smoking another joint lol

Clean air....

Sep 2, 2019 at 5:23am a right. Get your doobie huffs away from others.

John titor

Sep 2, 2019 at 7:44am

Alcohol is the only drug you need to explain why you don’t do it to people

0 0Rating: 0

You sound like

Sep 2, 2019 at 9:13am

a broken record. Let our culture be, you nutso.

0 0Rating: 0


Sep 2, 2019 at 9:25am

Just because people don't like the smell of marijuana smoke doesn't mean they prefer car exhaust.. that's ridiculous. I don't like any kind of smoke. I used to be a smoker and can relate to the dirty looks but it's more because people don't like being subjected to a substance that they normally don't choose to use. You wouldn't stand on the street corner with shots if vodka shoving them down people's throats quickly as they passed by, why subject them to a mind altering drug. I'm very sensitive to weed smoke sometimes when my brother smokes near me I get a bit high and I hate it. When I was pregnant the smell made me absolutely sick to my stomach. I don't even wear perfume anymore because after being pregnant I realized how awful it was and I never want to make another pregnant woman or other people who are sensitive to smells feel the way I did. Smoke in your home if possible or go into an alley. Sure it may not be as harmful as drinking or smoking cigarettes but it doesn't mean people need to like it and accept it.

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Sep 2, 2019 at 10:02am

is very powerful and people dont give it the respect it deserves. The other day some drunk ass got booted from a flight I was on. He was ranting and raving, a total disgrace. No amount of drugs have ever made me act like that. Alcohol is disgusting.

I think YOU need

Sep 2, 2019 at 10:02am

to be better informed.
Breathing in secondhand smoke from tobacco or weed is unhealthy.
If you're going to make a self-righteous speech, get your facts straight.

You can...

Sep 2, 2019 at 1:16pm

... smoke pot in Vancouver, there is no problem with that, if people say it is not allowed, you can say "I've heard people say that."

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