It’s over

People complain to me about how friends are not returning any of their phone calls. I just tell them that maybe those people have so much going on for them and do not have time to chat or hang out anymore. I also tell them that maybe it’s time for them to rethink their own lives and go make new friends. Sure they may have lost a friend and somebody, but one thing has happened for sure. The world did not come to an end.


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Jan 13, 2020 at 5:09pm

When someone really makes and effort to do something nice or be friends with someone and the other can't even return a text of call. That's pretty shite. As a human, that's pretty shite.


Jan 14, 2020 at 12:42am

Some people can be cruel.
Maybe they found out you were a lieing dog and they had to move on.
Just guessing on that though :)


Jan 14, 2020 at 6:34am

Well.. what if that person text's you all day, all night, then sends you messenger then what's up you, then calls ? What if these messages are nothing important but updates on their day, random thoughts, emojis etc? Well.. you must be a better person than me or at least a person with a lot of extra time.

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