
I can't seem to hang on to friendships. People seem to drift away, cancel plans or find better people to be seen out and about with. It's lonely. And the loneliness wears down one's energy and motivation to make new friends.


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BC Bail

Jun 9, 2023 at 4:03pm

It's not you, Vancouver is a city of flakes year round. It's a city has commitment issues because so many are neurotic and self-absorbed. I recommend leaving and moving to a city where the people are just better to reinvigorate your life.

23 6Rating: +17


Jun 10, 2023 at 7:36am

Like where?
Name a city that we can't google up, and see overwhelming reports of how it's so lonely and hard to meet people.

Simple fact is once normal people are out of high school/university they have goals to accomplish, bill/debts to pay, perhaps family etc and have little time for hanging around with people they just met.

And don't say "small towns" as they are the worst with being cliquish to outsiders

5 0Rating: +5

What BC Bail said

Jun 10, 2023 at 7:58pm

"better people to be seen out and about with" = discard in the name of social media.

1 1Rating: 0

It is lonely

Jun 10, 2023 at 11:12pm

Although I’m on the introverted side I also like to socialize once in a while. But it’s becoming harder to do that as I’ve aged because friends have moved away or died. I’ve also got some serious health concerns that keep sidelining me so that even if my mind is willing my body says no. It’s really frustrating. Making new friends is much harder when you’re older, and especially when you don’t feel comfortable in groups. So I understand and sympathize.

6 0Rating: +6


Jun 11, 2023 at 11:50am

it was a bitch during the pandemic, but local community classes are how I find/found connection. Langara and VCC have some great ones. It's more of a band aid solution, but for example I will be learning to sew something I've progressively wanted to do. while simultaneously having something to put on my calendar and the neat meet and greet mentality of new people in my life.

5 0Rating: +5

Curl up...

Jun 11, 2023 at 2:06pm

in your dungeon with a good book and a roaring fire...fuck everyone else.

5 0Rating: +5


Jun 11, 2023 at 7:45pm

Friends are overrated !
Most people are highly annoying and energy drainers.

8 3Rating: +5


Jun 12, 2023 at 10:42pm

Easy, choose a country that known for being very friendly. Parts of Latin America, France, Italy or South East Asia.

1 0Rating: +1

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