Conservatives accused of fear-mongering over empty grocery store shelves in Canada

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      Federal Conservatives have been trying to make a big issue out of empty grocery-store shelves as a truckers' convoy heads to Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates.

      But it turns out that one of the photos used to advance this story line in Canada actually came from England.

      PressProgress editor Luke LeBrun exposed this in a January 24 article. 

      He reported that Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman had tweeted the image from the U.K. to promote a petition opposing vaccine mandates in Canada.

      You can see the Lantsman tweet below.

      The Broadbent Institute founded and funds PressProgress, which routinely exposes shenanigans by right-wing politicians across the country.

      Some Conservatives are still claiming that vaccine mandates are fuelling inflation and contributing to empty store shelves.

      However, an article on the CBC website today suggests that the supply-chain problems are not going to lead to food shortages in Canada.

      "The most important thing is not to panic," University of Guelph food-industry researcher Simon Somogyi told CBC senior business writer Pete Evans. "The food supply chain is highly resilient … so those shortages, they'll probably be short term, but rest assured that those products will get back onto the shelves."
