Twitter threads from doctors explain why COVID is far from over and why some wellness folks embrace the far right

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      I'm spending a lot of time on Twitter these days because it provides links to a great deal of research about COVID-19. Quite often, I also come across threads that offer remarkable insights.

      Today, I've decided to post two of them on

      The first is by Dr. Chuck Wurster, an emergency physician in Alberta. The second is by Dr. Michelle Cohen, a family physician in Ontario.

      Wurster stresses that the pandemic is far from over.

      "It won't go away if we stop testing and pretend it's not there," Wurster states.

      The second thread is much longer, exploring historical connections between wellness culture and the far right.

      Dr Cohen's series of tweets also yield insights into why some—though certainly not all—wellness advocates have become key players in the antivaccine and antimask movement.
