Trace of Grey Designs, Fashion and Leatherwork

#L1-329 Railway St (A11)

Where do you find your inspiration?

We enjoy celebrating individuality in all of our clients, and believe that when we are inspired with an idea, that particular design is meant for a particular person. Since all of our pieces are one of a kind, this allows us great freedom of expression in the user friendly pieces we create. Sometimes we are inspired by textures in clothing, lines in wood, the details of a shoe, or the joy of sitting with an idea, and watching it emerge in the shape of a wallet, a bag or a cuff. 

What brought the artists in the studio together? 

The universe brought us together at just the right time, as we both had a desire to pursue a creative line of work as our professions.

Describe your studio space a little. Is it more minimal and contained, or sprawling?

Our current studio, fifth in line in the evolution of Trace of Grey Designs, is the most  beautiful and gallery-like space we have had so far. Visitors appreciate the spaciousness and warmth of the studio, and marvel at its unique perfection. The actual work area is small, because everything is done by hand, without any machinery, and the artists are surrounded by beautifully displayed examples of their finished work.

Trace of Grey Designs is a collaboration between Claudia Krieger and Monique Ouellette.