Sustainable holiday recipes: Minimizing food waste with organic and reused ingredients for shrimp with vegetables

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      Like many other entries in this series focussing on sustainability, this recipe seeks to reduce food waste by involving parts of food that would normally be disposed of.

      Fairmont Copacabana executive chef Jerôme Dardillac in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, sent in this seafood-based recipe that uses organic ingredients, draws attention to sustainable food initiatives, and reuses often-neglected parts of ingredients.

      “The mini organic vegetables used in this recipe come from the A.Ch.A project, which seeks sustainable agricultural systems that optimize and stabilize production,” Dardillac says. “As a chef, my main objective is to teach and inspire employees and customers about using and reusing ingredients. The roots of leek were reused to add texture and flavour to the dish; the head of the prawns were used not only for decoration but also in the preparation of a bisque sauce in another recipe.”

      Shrimp with mini organic vegetables, mango vinaigrette, and pomegranate

      4 mini organic beets

      9 mini organic carrots

      4 mini organic fennel

      8 mini organic leeks

      2 nasturtium flowers

      2 nasturtium leaves

      8 mini organic onions

      4 mini organic

      Mango Vinaigrette

      10 grams chive

      1 mango

      250 millilitres olive oil

      5 grams pepper

      1 pomegranate

      60 millilitres raspberry vinegar

      1 red onion

      5 grams salt

      2 tomatoes


      1. Wash all vegetables and remove the leaves.

      2. Peel and eviscerate the prawns keeping the heads and tails. Start at the tail and push the skewers into the middle to the head of the prawns, season them with salt and pepper, and marinate in olive oil.

      3. Ciseler the onion (cut into small cubes).

      4. Cut the pomegranate, remove the seeds and set them aside.

      5. Cut the tomato into concassé (seeds and skins removed).

      6. Cut the mango into brunoise (cut into small cubes).

      7. Thinly cut the chives.

      8. Mix the onion, tomato, mango, pomegranate, raspberry vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper, and chives.

      9. Fry the leek root at 160°C.

      10. Put all the mini organic vegetables in the Josper or barbecue grill basket and keep mixing them until cooked. It's important to hydrate the vegetables with a mixture of olive oil and water.

      11. Grill the prawns in the Josper or barbecue grill (both sides) for about four minutes at 300°C.

      12. Finish with lemon zest. Use nasturtium flowers and leaves to decorate.

      Fairmont Copacabana executive chef Jerôme Dardillac
      Fairmont Hotels and Resorts
