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Top 8 Best Silica Supplements for Bones in 2024

best silica supplement for bones

Silica supplements have seen a surge in popularity in recent years, thanks to their possible advantages for bone health. Silica, also known as silicon dioxide, is a mineral that naturally exists in foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. However, a number of people do not intake enough silica from their food, which has led to a heightened demand for these supplements.

When it comes to bone health, silica is believed to play a role in the formation and maintenance of strong bones. It is thought to help increase bone density and prevent bone loss, making it an important nutrient for those looking to maintain healthy bones.

If you’re in the market for a silica supplement specifically for bone health, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it’s important to choose a supplement that contains a bioavailable form of silica, as this will ensure that your body is able to absorb and utilize the nutrient effectively. Additionally, you’ll want to look for a supplement that is free from any harmful additives or fillers.

After researching and testing various silica supplements on the market, we have identified the best option for those looking to support their bone health.

Best Silica Supplements for Bones

We know how important it is to maintain healthy bones, especially as we age. Silica supplements have gained popularity in recent years due to their potential benefits for bone health. Silica is a mineral that plays a crucial role in the formation and maintenance of bones. It helps in the absorption of calcium and other minerals that are essential for bone health. In this article, we have compiled a list of the best silica supplements for bones that you can consider adding to your daily routine.

1. LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica

If you’re looking for a silica supplement that can help improve your bone health, then LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica is definitely worth considering.


  • LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica is a superior grade silica formula that is made with the world’s first purest 99% rice-derived silica extracted from Japanese rice via a chemical-free technology. This silica supplement is 64 times more concentrated than other best-selling brands, and it contains 42 mg of Silicon per serving, making it more bioavailable than Algae, Horsetail, or Bamboo extracts.
  • This product also contains a synergistic formula that is fortified with fat-soluble vitamin D3 extracted from lichen, natural vit K2 (MK-7) extracted from natto, and 100% Pure MCT Oil from coconut oil for best effects on bone and overall health. Vitamins K2 and D3 ensure calcium is absorbed in the bones and not deposited in the blood vessels.
  • LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica is also an ultra collagen booster/stimulator that helps stimulate bone collagen synthesis and stabilization without the use of beef, chicken, or fish collagen. This is crucial for supporting bone mineral density, increasing flexibility and strength. By increasing collagen production in the body, it also helps restore and strengthen cartilage, tendons, ligaments, joints, muscle, teeth, blood vessels, intestines, promotes good oral and gut health.


  • LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica may not be suitable for those who are allergic to coconut oil or have a sensitive stomach.
  • This product is more expensive than other silica supplements on the market.
  • The recommended dosage for LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica is one softgel daily, which may not be convenient for some people who prefer to take their supplements in a different form.

Overall, we highly recommend LABO Nutrition Bioactive Silica for anyone looking for a high-quality silica supplement that can help improve their bone health. This product is 100% efficacy and case studies showed an increment of bone density in all 9 individuals tested (including men, pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women, with an average increase of 13% in JUST 6 months*! *Individual results may vary BEAUTY BENEFITS: Good for promote healthy skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkle, Promotes hair growth, reduces hair loss, supports strong and shiny hair, beautify your nails. It’s also plant-based, vegan and keto-friendly, gluten-free, and made in Japan.

2. Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate

If you’re looking for a natural silica supplement for bones, hair, skin, and nails, Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate is a great option for you.


  • Supports collagen production and manages calcium usage in the body
  • All-natural ingredients, no artificial preservatives or colors, and never tested on animals
  • Can help support hair growth, joint function, healthy cartilage, and healthy teeth and gums


  • Added drops to water may not be preferred by some consumers
  • May take time to see noticeable results
  • Taste may be unpleasant for some people

We’ve been using Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate for a while now and we’re impressed with the results. The natural ingredients make it a great option for those who are looking for a supplement without artificial preservatives or colors. The liquid form may not be preferred by some consumers, but it’s easy to add to water and take.

One of the biggest pros of this supplement is that it supports collagen production and manages calcium usage in the body. This is important for maintaining healthy bones and joints. We’ve also noticed an improvement in our hair and skin since taking this supplement.

However, it’s important to note that it may take some time to see noticeable results. Additionally, the taste may be unpleasant for some people. Overall, we would recommend Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate to anyone looking for a natural silica supplement for bones, hair, skin, and nails.

3. Orgono Living Silica

We highly recommend Orgono Living Silica for anyone looking to boost their bone and joint health.


  • Absorption: With a 375% greater absorption rate, Living Silica is fully utilized by the body, reaching collagen-producing cells to activate them and promote collagen production.
  • Plant-based: Living Silica is a vegan, plant-based supplement, making it a great option for those who prefer to avoid animal-based products.
  • Multi-functional: Living Silica is designed to maximize your body’s potential and supply a key trace substance, silicon, that your body uses in joints, bones, hair, skin, and nails from the inside out.


  • Taste: Some users may not enjoy the taste of Living Silica and may prefer to mix it with other beverages.
  • Price: Living Silica may be more expensive than other silica supplements on the market.
  • Packaging: Some users have reported issues with the packaging, particularly with the cap not being secure.

Living Silica has been laboratory tested to ensure quality and safety, and its silicon ingredient benefits have been studied in humans. The proprietary process developed by clinical scientists allows Living Silica to remain in a silicon form best suited for intestinal absorption.

Living Silica is a premier grade of silicon supplement, and its patent-pending, proprietary process allows for the highest absorption rate. The supplement is fully utilized by the body, promoting healthy collagen and elastin production for joint and bone support, glowing skin, and strong hair and nails.

Overall, we believe that Orgono Living Silica is a great choice for anyone looking to improve their bone and joint health, as well as overall well-being.

4. Dr. Mercola Silica Collagen Builder Dietary Supplement

If you’re looking for a natural supplement to promote collagen production and enhance nutrient absorption, Dr. Mercola Silica Collagen Builder Dietary Supplement is definitely worth considering.


  • Our Silica Collagen Builder is designed to promote collagen production and enhanced nutrient absorption
  • This trace mineral promotes strength and flexibility to all the vital collagen-containing connective tissues in your body, including your hair, skin, bones, joints, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and even your blood vessels
  • Silica Collagen Builder contains Living Silica, a patented and highly bioavailable source of monomethylsilanetriol (MMST) for maximum and efficient absorption


  • The product may not be suitable for those with soy allergies
  • The recommended dosage is two capsules per day, which may be inconvenient for some users
  • The product is relatively expensive compared to other silica supplements on the market

We’ve been using Dr. Mercola Silica Collagen Builder Dietary Supplement for a few weeks now and have noticed a significant improvement in our hair, skin, and nails. The capsules are easy to swallow and don’t have any unpleasant aftertaste.

One of the things we like most about this product is that it’s plant-based and non-GMO, which aligns with Dr. Mercola’s commitment to providing high-quality, natural health products. The inclusion of acacia gum, a natural fiber from the African Acacia plant, is also a nice touch.

While we haven’t been taking the supplement long enough to comment on its effect on bone density, we appreciate that it’s designed to promote strength and flexibility in all the vital collagen-containing connective tissues in the body.

Overall, we would recommend Dr. Mercola Silica Collagen Builder Dietary Supplement to anyone looking for a natural way to promote collagen production and enhance nutrient absorption.

5. Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate

If you’re looking for a natural silica supplement to support your bone health, Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate could be a great option for you.


  • Supports collagen production
  • All-natural ingredients
  • Can help support hair, skin, and nails


  • May take some time to see results
  • Can have a slightly salty taste
  • May not be suitable for those with certain medical conditions

We’ve been using Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate for a few weeks now, and we’re impressed with the results so far. We’ve noticed that our nails are stronger and our hair seems to be growing faster than usual.

One of the things we love about this supplement is that it’s made with all-natural ingredients and contains no artificial preservatives or colors. We appreciate that Eidon never tests on animals and that all their products are made in the USA.

Adding 30 drops of this ionic silica liquid to water can aid collagen formation and connective tissue strength, which are both major components of our bones and skin. We’ve found that the supplement is easy to take and has a flavorless taste that blends well with water.

While we haven’t experienced any negative side effects, we do want to note that it may take some time to see results with this supplement. Additionally, some users have reported a slightly salty taste, although we haven’t noticed this ourselves.

Overall, we think Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate is a great option for those looking for a natural silica supplement to support their bone health. If you’re looking for a high-quality product that’s made with all-natural ingredients and can help support your hair, skin, and nails, this could be a great choice for you.

6. Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate

We highly recommend the Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate for anyone looking for a natural and effective silica supplement to support bone health and collagen production.


  • Supports collagen production and healthy connective tissues
  • All-natural ingredients with no artificial preservatives or colors
  • Can help support hair, skin, and nails health


  • Some may find the taste unpleasant
  • May take some time to see noticeable results
  • May not be suitable for those with certain dietary restrictions

We have been using the Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate for a few weeks now and have noticed an improvement in our hair, skin, and nails. The supplement is easy to take, simply adding 30 drops to water, and we appreciate that it is made with all-natural ingredients and contains no artificial preservatives or colors.

One potential downside is that the taste may not be to everyone’s liking, but we find that it is easily masked by mixing it with juice or adding it to a smoothie. It may also take some time to see noticeable results, so it is important to be patient and consistent with taking the supplement.

Overall, we believe that the Eidon Liquid Silica Mineral Concentrate is a great choice for anyone looking to support their bone health and collagen production in a natural and effective way.

7. Micro Ingredients Organic Bamboo Extract Powder

If you’re looking for a natural way to support healthy bones, skin, and hair, then Micro Ingredients Organic Bamboo Extract Powder may be the right choice for you.


  • Rich in Silica and Minerals
  • No GMOs, Additives, or Preservatives
  • Easy to Take with Meals


  • May Not Fully Dissolve in Liquid
  • Texture is Slightly Gritty
  • Some Users Report Unpleasant Taste

We’ve been using Micro Ingredients Organic Bamboo Extract Powder for a few weeks now and have noticed some positive changes in our hair and nails. The powder is easy to mix with meals and drinks, and we appreciate that it contains no GMOs, additives, or preservatives.

One of the main benefits of this supplement is that it’s rich in silica and minerals that support bone health. Silica is an essential nutrient that helps to build and maintain strong bones, and it also plays a role in collagen production, which is important for healthy skin and hair.

We also like that this supplement is easy to take with meals. The scoop is included to help you get the right measurement every time, and you can add it to a shake or smoothie for a nutrient boost.

However, we did notice that the powder doesn’t fully dissolve in liquid, which can leave a slightly gritty texture. Some users also report an unpleasant taste, although we didn’t find it too bad.

Overall, if you’re looking for a natural way to support your bone, skin, and hair health, then Micro Ingredients Organic Bamboo Extract Powder is definitely worth considering.

8. Positive Power Nutritionals Ionic Super Silica Plus

This silica supplement is a great choice for anyone looking to boost their bone, hair, nail, and skin health.


  • The liquid concentrate is easy to consume and absorb.
  • The addition of magnesium sulfate provides a more complete profile of nutrients.
  • Silica nutrients have been shown to support bone health, joint health, and cardiovascular health.


  • The slight citrus flavor may not be to everyone’s taste.
  • The dropper bottle packaging may not be as convenient as capsules for some users.
  • Some users have reported digestive issues when using more than the recommended amount.

We have found that Positive Power Nutritionals Ionic Super Silica Plus is a great way to supplement our diet with the essential trace minerals that are often lacking. The liquid concentrate is easy to add to our daily routine by simply dispensing 12 drops into our drinking water. We appreciate that the supplement is highly concentrated and rapidly absorbed by the body.

In addition, we have noticed a positive impact on our hair, nail, and skin health since starting to use this product. Our hair has become stronger and less prone to breakage, while our nails are thicker and less likely to chip. We have also noticed an improvement in our joint flexibility and cardiovascular health.

While the slight citrus flavor is not our favorite, we find it easy to overlook given the many benefits of this supplement. We also appreciate the addition of magnesium sulfate, which provides a more complete profile of nutrients. Overall, we highly recommend Positive Power Nutritionals Ionic Super Silica Plus to anyone looking to support their bone, hair, nail, and skin health.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best silica supplement for bones, there are a few key features to look for. Here are some factors to consider before making a purchase:


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a silica supplement is purity. Look for a product that is made with high-quality, pure silica. Be sure to read the label carefully to ensure that the product is free from contaminants and fillers.


The recommended dosage of silica supplements can vary depending on the brand and the intended use. Be sure to read the label carefully and follow the recommended dosage instructions. It’s also important to speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.


Silica supplements come in a variety of forms, including capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids. Consider which form is most convenient for you and your lifestyle. For example, if you have trouble swallowing pills, a liquid or powder form may be a better option.

Brand Reputation

When choosing a silica supplement, it’s important to consider the reputation of the brand. Look for a brand that is well-known and has a good reputation for producing high-quality supplements. You can also check online reviews to see what other customers have to say about the product.


Price is also an important factor to consider when choosing a silica supplement. While it’s important to choose a high-quality product, you don’t want to overspend. Compare prices and look for discounts or promotions to get the best deal.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best silica supplement for your bone health needs. Remember to always speak with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits of taking silica supplements for bone strength?

Silica is a crucial mineral for bone formation and maintenance. It helps to increase the production of collagen, which is a protein that forms the structure of bones. Silica also stimulates the growth of bone-forming cells and helps to increase bone density, which can reduce the risk of fractures.

Which form of silica supplement is most effective for bone health?

The most effective form of silica supplement for bone health is a highly absorbable form, such as orthosilicic acid. This form of silica can be easily absorbed by the body and utilized for bone formation and maintenance.

Can silica supplements improve bone density in osteoporosis patients?

Studies have shown that silica supplements can improve bone density in osteoporosis patients. Silica helps to increase bone formation and reduce bone resorption, which can lead to an increase in bone density and a decrease in the risk of fractures.

Are there any side effects associated with taking silica supplements for bones?

Silica supplements are generally safe and well-tolerated. However, some people may experience mild side effects such as gastrointestinal discomfort or skin irritation. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

How does liquid silica compare to other forms of silica supplements for supporting bone health?

Liquid silica supplements are highly absorbable and can be easily added to drinks or food. However, other forms of silica supplements such as capsules or tablets may be more convenient for some people. Ultimately, the most important factor is choosing a highly absorbable form of silica supplement.

What should I consider when choosing a silica supplement for bone fortification?

When choosing a silica supplement for bone fortification, it is important to consider the form of silica, the dosage, and the purity of the supplement. Look for a highly absorbable form of silica, such as orthosilicic acid, and a supplement that is free from fillers and additives. It is also important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

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