Waxing Esthetician

You've been my esthetician twice now, and it feels a bit odd to ask someone out for drinks as they're tearing hair from your body, but you seem sweet and I think we have some things in common... so here I am. I'm tall and dark haired, and I had gone to a Hot Yoga class that morning. We talked mostly about yoga and working out, and traveling... Croatia, Portugal, and my holiday to St. Martin the next morning. I could be more descript but I think that should be enough to blow my cover? I'd love to see you outside the confines of a waxing room... start slow? A walk along English Bay, or a drink? Have no idea if you’ll ever see this, and hopefully I haven't broken some sort of waxing code of conduct...

When: Sunday, March, 12 2017

Where: Kits

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