Forebidden crushes, aren't sexy

There was a large window stretching across an entire wall, most of the time, but the rooms kept moving about. I sat next to the sky usually, silently exploring rooftops, and trying to respect the privacy of others in the room. At first, you were a stranger among many in a lifetime of attending, until you weren't. I didn't expect the change, it's never come about before. There aren't many settings, I find myself in, that are less arousing. I noticed the intensity in your eyes first, your furrowed thinking brow. Later on, I was fascinated by how turned on I felt sitting next to you. I wonder if you felt anything of the sort, early on. Can chemistry be one sided? Was that really a double-take in the hallway? Regardless, eventually the intermittent smile that crept across your face weeks later offered evidence of a shared spark. You seemed to light up when I spoke, with that small grin of yours reacting to my words. I hope you didn't invalidate those sparks in the manner your profession dictates. I don't fit the profile in that dated narrative, do I? If you think so, there must be a hell of a lot of assumptions distorting your image of me. I'm just attracted to you, and consider you a person I would like to get to know. Who knows if anything "more" would come of it - frankly I don't care. Fun and lust are worth pursuing for their own sake. Sparks don't fly everyday. So, if this cryptic description're probably a tall white guy with broad shoulders and glasses... Clark Kent, basically. Give me a shout, I respect your work, and I promise I'll protect your identity.

When: Thursday, August, 10 2017

Where: Robson
