Belini's and Bedroom Eyes

It all began on a steamy Sunday afternoon. Me (head dishwasher) my assistant (assistant to the head dishwasher) wash up to the wood at Cactus Club English Bay. Just two straight dudes in search of a couple cold Bellini's. Unbeknownst to us, we were in for a thrill of a lifetime. I came late, matted in sweat, an off yellowish smear from last night’s McDonald's discoloring the brim of my tank. Desperate and dehydrated, I looked up from my bar stool and saw you…. Before me stood two of the finest specimens these puffy and bloodshot eyes had ever seen. One blonde, one brunette; ebony and ivory; salt and pepper; some might say a young Madonna and Cher. They stood there, staring at me inquisitively. I was speechless... I have forever longed to be in the presence of such beauty but once presented with the situation my tongue was tied and sandpaper-like, you know, from the dehydration. So I started with a beer, then sunset soda. You two gals spun and twirled, as if waltzing while simultaneously creating these cocktails, flashing the occasional smile which pierced my like a thousand cupid arrows. Speaking the occasional word like river sirens enticing weary sailors. Until finally you presented me with the crown jewel….. The Bellini. The sweet, sweet peach nectar tasted as if it was milked from the teat of Aphrodite herself. Balanced and smooth my palate was finally satisfied. My thirst extinguished. I had nearly consumed enough liquid confidence to ask the young blonde for her hand in marriage when I was abruptly torn away from the bar. It was time for the dish washing duo to head back to the damp underbelly of our own restaurant. So I batted my eyelashes, flashed my bedroom eyes and bid you two adieu. Later that evening we met again, Blondie and me. Unfortunately, my form was poor from too many libations and not enough nourishment. It wasn't a good look. So if this message finds you, please accept my deepest apologies and maybe…… one day…… we can meet again. I'm accounting on it ;)

When: Sunday, September, 3 2017

Where: Cactus Club English Bay
