First Waldorf now Wonderbuck

We met a while ago at Waldorf, although I've been there hundreds of time it was the best night for me still. I never wanted to say good bye but I had to. It's sad, you are such a cool girl (and you have awesome friends). I saw you and I think you saw me too, I know it was awkward. I came home and right away I'm posting this, hoping that you will see it. I don't know, I want (or must) to buy you a coffee and go for a walk maybe on the drive or at kits beach. P.S: They were playing one of my favorite song at Tiki bar, you told me it was the LP you bought (I thought it was such a cool thing)... Put the albums name on the subject line if you decided to email me, so I know it's you.

When: Friday, November, 9 2012

Where: East Vancouver

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