Your horoscope for May 10 to 16, 2018

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      Keep on watch for Tuesday. The new moon in Taurus fuels all matters to do with money, self-worth, ownership, resources, and survival. Invigorated by two planets on significant sign changes, it is no ordinary new moon. The big news of the day is the ingress of Uranus into Taurus, a transit we haven’t seen in 84 years. Anyone born from 1934 to 1942 will have Uranus in Taurus as a natal signature.

      Uranus in Taurus, a transit that will extend to 2026, revolutionizes everything we consider of value, from actual money to the worth we place on person, place, concept, or thing. The proliferation of the bitcoin industry and the legalization of recreational pot are well aligned with this transit. The renewable-energy industry is also; it is one of the most fruitful abundance-generating potentials of forward thinker Uranus in Taurus.

      Uranus in Taurus is also a destabilizing influence. As the shock-and-trauma planet makes its way through the sign of the Earth, it also describes what we’ll face if the decision makers continue to stubbornly insist on burying their heads in Alberta oilsands.

      Also, on new-moon Tuesday Mars begins an extended tour of Aquarius. Mars on the move is usually a six-week transit, but due to a retrograde cycle (end of June through end of August), Mars will tenant Aquarius through to the middle of November. Social trends, revolutions, and politics will stay dialled up. Explore more; experiment; liberate yourself. Personal and lifestyle reinvention is well timed.

      March 20 - April 19

      Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday can jettison you someplace unexpected. Mercury, Mars, and Uranus prompt a quick reaction or snap decision. A key someone could play catalyst or instigator. What is it worth? Uranus in Taurus and Mars in Aquarius catapult you into a new line of thinking and feeling your way along. They’ll prompt a major shift regarding how you process, relate, and create.

      April 20 - May 20

      A new chapter begins now. Something sudden, unexpected, exceptional, or even life-altering could be headed your way. You’ll feel the fullest effect of Uranus entering Taurus if you are born on or near April 20. Saturday/Sunday can be instigating. Tuesday/Wednesday hits Go on a new career path or lifestyle, a severing of ties, a major shift of priorities, or another important upgrade.

      May 21 - June 21

      Mercury, Uranus, and Mars aim to shake, not stir, especially on Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday. All three are good for clearing the air, setting the record straight, freeing yourself of it, and exploring more. All three add more tangibility to the ripe-and-ready potentials. Take a risk on something or someone new. Intuition, creativity, courage, and initiative serve you well.

      June 21 - July 22

      This next week or so can jettison you someplace in a way you did not anticipate. Uranus and Mars can fast-track a circumstance and/or personal reinvention. Both can radically alter your finances or relationship status. To the plus, Tuesday/Wednesday can spark fresh incentive and opportunity. Now or soon, watch for new prospects, people, clients—or perhaps a special someone—to enter your life.

      July 22 - August 22

      Mother’s Day could be eventful. Do something special; go out of your way to make it so. Through mid–next week, Mercury, Uranus, and Mars can kick-start something unexpected. Impulse or reactive emotions can get the better of you. A conversation can touch a nerve or strike flint on a great idea. Think outside of the box; seize opportunity.

      August 22 - September 22

      Uranus in Taurus can be good news for your sign. Look around; there’s fresh opportunity for the taking. A new job is well-timed. Explore alternative healing or seek the help of a specialist. Uranus and Mars can reinvent your day-to-day and your future. A growth spurt starts now; even so, there are rough spots to iron out over this next week.

      September 22 - October 23

      Mercury, Uranus, and the new moon in Taurus can boost financial prospects. All three can enhance prospects in the intimacy department, too. Goodbye and hello is in the mix; Uranus will continue to help you break new ground in affairs of heart and wallet for a good length of time to come. Mars in Aquarius pushes Refresh on creativity, love life, and social involvement.

      October 23 - November 21

      Wants, needs, and interests are changing. Uranus in Taurus will prompt you to reinvent the way you show up for yourself and forge your way in the world. There are new markets to explore, new ways of doing business and making money, and also new people to meet. The weekend could bring something to hash out/work out. Tuesday/Wednesday sets a new reality into play.

      November 21 - December 21

      Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Tuesday’s new moon favour all new initiatives, undertakings, and projects, especially those that upgrade your health or wealth. Experimentation is in the mix, but you should feel that the learning curve is worthwhile. Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday, an impulse, exchange of words, discovery, or sudden flash could get you moving and/or fast-track you. Someone could surprise you.

      December 21 - January 19

      Uranus in Taurus sets you up for an exceptional journey of the heart, this regarding love life, children, your future—in other words, the bigger-picture stuff. Despite the uncertain times ahead, the transit can boost your career prospects and financial success. Through November, Mars in Aquarius also prioritizes financial and personal reinvention.

      January 20 - February 18

      You’ve reached breakthrough: it’s shatter-the-silence or bust-up-the-concrete time. Uranus, your ruler, is on the move. Mars is too. Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday can set you full-thrust into something sudden or unexpected. Moment-to-moment is your best play. As best you can, keep tabs on impulsiveness, anger, or reactive emotions. Stay cool-headed.

      February 18 - March 20

      Uranus in Taurus prompts a new way of seeing, evaluating, and communicating. Along with fresh insights, inspirations, and attitude, you can find a new appreciation or interest level for things or folks you have previously nixed. Mars in Aquarius keeps you feisty and energized, perhaps a bit cranky or moody, too, especially Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday.

