Your horoscope for April 25 to May 1, 2019

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      Pluto has just begun its annual retrograde cycle, and on Monday evening Saturn will follow suit. Both planets are travelling in the sign of Capricorn and will remain in retrograde motion until the fall (mid-September for Saturn; beginning of October for Pluto). What does this mean? The reality, priority, schedule, or necessity now shifts. There’s also a shift regarding who or what is in control. If you have been running up against it and have not yet been able to get past it, these retrograde cycles can be helpful. Saturn and Pluto will tear down or remove whatever has been holding you back. On the other hand, if it isn’t solid, viable, or legit, it will fall apart. These retrograde transits are best used to reformat, to resecure the base, to build it better from the inside out. This includes examining the reasons and rationales that have propped it up to date.

      Friday/Saturday, Mars/Neptune favours pleasure-seeking and shooting the breeze. On the other hand, Mars/Neptune can expose it, reveal a secret, or surprise you with something you didn’t notice or didn’t know. Too much gossip, secondhand information or opinion, too little fact. It is easy to get lost, lose track, or buy into the advertising. You may suddenly realize that you have been misled or deceived. You can just as easily talk yourself into it or misread it, too. Pay extra attention to health, road, and information-sharing safety. A virus or infection can spread; allergies, alcohol, drugs, or gambling can get the better of you too.

      Keep open-ended; allow an extra time margin on Monday/Tuesday. Saturn retrograde can slow you down. By Wednesday/Thursday, the Aries moon aims for the next item on the list.

      March 20 - April 20

      The stars are conspiring on your behalf. Keeping head and heart on the same page, Mercury and Venus are on the upswing in Aries. You’ll feel it as a sharpening of instincts and a fresh energy boost. As of Saturday, Mars in Gemini is on an informing or clarifying breakthrough with Neptune. You’ll kick-start it better now, especially regarding creative and marketing projects.

      April 20 - May 21

      When in a quandary, do both or say yes to the extra. There’s more than one way to see, say, try, or do it. If you must choose one, go with your first impression or the fresh option (that may or may not be the same thing!). Friday/Saturday, Mars/Neptune can spill the beans or rev up something unexpected. Monday/Tuesday, go with the flow.

      May 21 - June 21

      Friday/Saturday could trigger something unexpected or something more. Watch for an opportunity to come clean, let yourself off the hook, find what’s missing, or gain a second chance. Mars/Neptune can spark creativity, romance, or great potential, but it’s not the best for keeping a grip on the reality. Monday/Tuesday, time or energy can evaporate. Next Wednesday/Thursday, Mercury calls for straight shooting.

      June 21 - July 22

      It is easy to get swept up or swept away on Friday/Saturday. As Mars triggers Neptune, you can lose track of what’s real, what’s worthwhile, or how much you have spent, drunk, or ingested. If you plan to party, take a cab home. Monday/Tuesday, you can’t bank on it or them. Saturn retrograde can remove a block or change a mindset.

      July 22 - August 23

      Getting a mixed message or uncertain of your best option? You’ll know soon enough. There’s no necessity to push what isn’t coming naturally. One thing leads to another. Watch for the conversation to take on a life of its own, for the game plan to play out naturally, especially Saturday/Sunday. Monday/Tuesday requires you to shift gears. Wednesday onward, you’ll gain better results.

      August 23 - September 23

      Have you filed your taxes yet? The stars have put several pressing matters on your to-do list. Although they may be separate items, once you get one thing out of the way, it’ll act as an icebreaker for the next. Monday/Tuesday, Saturn retrograde can require you to shift gears or reschedule, but overall you’ll get it worked out just fine.

      September 23 - October 23

      Expect your phone to ring and for folks, opportunities, or issues to resurface. Pluto has just turned retrograde, and late Monday Saturn will do the same. Along with Mars in Gemini moving past Neptune’s invisible barrier, you should find you are able to gain better ground as the month comes to an end and a new one begins. Easy does it best through Tuesday.

      October 23 - November 22

      Keep your plans open-ended. Whether it is stream of consciousness, a surprise find, a piece of information, or something more, Friday/Saturday could trigger the unexpected. Monday/Tuesday, Saturn retrograde can shift your perspective or the priority. Now through the end of next week takes you through an unfolding process. Watch for greater clarity to come—for the next step or winning pick to reveal itself.

      November 22 - December 21

      The phone rings; the news arrives; the missing blank fills in naturally. Thursday/Friday, one thing leads to another; spontaneity delivers. Mars/Neptune is good for inspired moments and for reading between the lines. You should have no problem getting your pleasure fill through the weekend. Monday/Tuesday, creative activities or solutions are your best pick. Stick to simple and easy.

      December 21 - January 20

      Thanks to the start of Pluto retrograde, Thursday could set an important next phase or stage. Don’t second-guess yourself; follow your gut. If you are still unsure, keep on watch. Time will sort it out for you. Friday/Saturday, Mars in Gemini keeps it rolling along. Saturn retrograde, starting late Monday, also shifts the action or priority.

      January 20 - February 18

      Not sure of what’s next? Watch for the moon in Aquarius and Mars in Gemini to provide fresh incentive and/or a quick perk-me-up Friday/Saturday. Sunday through Tuesday, simple, creative, or easy does it best. If it isn’t coming naturally, don’t sweat it; switch gears instead. Next Wednesday/Thursday dishes up something new or added.

      February 18 - March 20

      Friday/Saturday could see you hit a second wave or next phase. Watch for Mars/Neptune to push the refresh button, perhaps unexpectedly. Sunday through Tuesday, the moon in Pisces keeps you going strong, completely consumed, and/or feeling it all. Take your lead from inspiration, intuition, creativity, or the moment. Next Wednesday, you’ll head into a next project, page, or phase.
