Remembrance Day at Mountain View Cemetery



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Free admission



This year, The Little Chamber Music Series That Could is proud to present three unique concerts taking place at Mountain View Cemetery in honour of our veterans on Remembrance Day.

11am: “11” - A Community History and Music Project:
Celebrating the Renfrew Heights Veterans Housing Project.
By Mark Haney, performed by the Allegra Chamber Orchestra.

12pm: Remembering the “Never Fails”:
A Musical Tribute to the Band of the Legendary 85th Regiment.
Performed by the Homegoing Brass Band.

1pm: Solace – Music for Remembrance and Reflection:
Performed by Allegra Chamber Orchestra, featuring works by Jocelyn Morlock, Elizabeth Knudsen (premiere), Mark Haney (premiere), and Elvis Costello.

All three concerts will take place in the Celebration Hall - enter the cemetery at 39th avenue off Fraser Street.

All our performances are free and accessible!