VIFF 2015: Crumbs is out of this world

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      Crumbs (Ethiopia/Spain/Finland)  

      There’s something alchemical at work in this scrappily transporting tale, a true otherness exuding from its Ethiopian landscape of scrapyards, elaborate stone ruins, and psychedelic vistas of moon rock sizzling with hot and poisonous spring water.

      With a ridiculous toy sword at his side (one of the priceless “crumbs” in this perfectly conceived vision of post-civilization), little person Candy goes on a perilous journey to discover the truth of the big, rusting spaceship that’s been parked for years above everyone’s heads, itself the coolest impossible-thing-in-the-sky we’ve seen since Zardoz, presumably sent to remind jaded viewers that no, they really haven’t seen it all.

      Follow Adrian Mack on Twitter @AdrianMacked.

