JFL NorthWest welcomes Turkish Star Wars into your life

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      This loony 1982 flick is the apotheosis of zero-budget Turkish cinema, when filmmakers used footage from pirated American blockbusters to shore up their own poverty-stricken work. Originally titled The Man Who Saves the World, Çetin İnanç's movie cops all the effects sequences from George Lucas's 1977 film, and then throws zombies and mummies into the mix, not to mention Jesus, Muhammad, and the soundtrack from Raiders of the Lost Ark. And it’s still better than The Force Awakens.

      Presented by the JFL NorthWest comedy festival in partnership with the Vancouver Turkish Film Festival, Turkish Star Wars screens at the Vancity Theatre on Monday (February 22), preceded by Neil Hamburger and Rick Alverson's jawdropping Entertainment.

      For the full line-up of JFL NorthWest movies, go here.

      Follow Adrian Mack on Twitter @AdrianMacked
