VIFF 2016: Yarn


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      Yarn bombers unite! Knitting is no longer the innocuous hobby of grannies.

      This doc portrays it, instead, as a kind of subversive, feminist tool of arts activism, travelling the world to find women using it in provocative ways. Polish artist Olek sends performance artists, literally knit into yarn bodysuits, out into crowded events; Japanese-Canadian Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam stretches huge textile playgrounds between high-rises, colour-blasting the urban jungle; Iceland’s Tinna Thorudottir Thorvaldar hangs free-speech-minded crochet on the walls of Havana; and Tilde Björfors builds otherworldly metaphors out of threads in Sweden’s Cirkus Cirkör.

      Barbara Kingsolver’s narrated bits are a bit pretentious, and the film doesn’t dig too deep into cultural history, but damned if this isn’t as visually resplendent as that crazy pink-and-orange afghan your grandma made you.


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      Approx. 15 minutes away
