VIFF 2017: Strange things are happening to Thelma in this Norwegian thriller


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      Strange things are happening to the sheltered Thelma (Eili Harboe) as she attends university in Oslo.

      Seizures suddenly disrupt her life. Crows flock to her. Power surges occur around her. Is it her? Something supernatural? Or something else?

      Amid all of this, the alluring Anja arouses desire in her while her overprotective, religious parents spy on her every move from afar. Director Joachim Trier (Oslo, August 31st) keeps the suspense on low-key boil by dropping clues at a well-measured pace. Although the narrative follows many conventional psychological-thriller conventions, Trier counterbalances that with his attentive, authentic character study of Thelma and her family. 

      You can follow Craig Takeuchi on Twitter at @cinecraig or on Facebook.


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