Ben Mulroney steps down as anchor of CTV's etalk in wake of controversy involving his wife

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      The son of a former prime minister will no longer be the frontman on a popular Canadian entertainment show.

      This morning, Ben Mulroney announced that he has stepped down as anchor of etalk following a nationally televised weekend conversation on CTV about systemic racism.

      "It is my hope that the new anchor is Black, Indigenous, or a person of colour who can use this important platform to inspire, lead, and make change," Mulroney said on CTV's Your Morning show, where he will remain one of the hosts.

      Black lifestyle blogger Sasha Exeter recently exposed how Mulroney's wife, Jessica, demonstrated "textbook white privilege" in trying to silence her and then raising the prospect of a "liable suit" after Exeter went public with her concerns.

      In the midst of this controversy, CTV cancelled Jessica's reality show, I Do, Redo, which showed couples replicating their wedding ceremonies.

      Video: Ben Mulroney announced on CTV's Your Morning show that he will no longer host etalk.

      "I love my wife," Mulroney said in today's announcement. "However, it is not my place to speak for her and today, together, we are committed to do the work to both learn and understand more about anti-Black racism as well as learn and understand more about our blind spots.

      "So what does this mean for me? Well, it means acknowledging here today that my privilege has benefited me greatly. And while I have certainly worked hard to build my career, I know that systemic racism and injustice helps people like me and harms those who aren't like me, often in ways that are invisible to us. This needs to change."

      Mulroney's father is Brian Mulroney, who was prime minister of Canada from 1984 to 1993.

      Jessica Mulroney's father is Stephen Brownstein, whose family created Browns Shoes in 1940.
