On Our Radar: Wormwitch's "Disciple of the Serpent Star" video confirms that the outdoors are totally terrifying

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      Great as it might be for recharging one's spiritual battery, the scary thing about heading to the great outdoors to get away from it is that there are risks involved. 

      Who hasn't stumbled across an enraged cougar while walking the North Shore mountains. Or watched a toddler being carried away by a screaming bald eagle in Brackendale. 

      To watch the video for the metal meltdown that is "“Disciple of the Serpent Star” is to have it confirmed that there are sometimes scarier things lurking in rugged B.C. than cougars, grey wolves, and whatever the plural of a moose is. 

      Imagine being out for a stroll by a majestically rolling river, and crossing paths with the guys in Wormwitch. Okay, actually that would be pretty cool­—especially if the band decided it was a good day to burn through its beautifully bombastic new album, Heaven That Dwells Within. 

      You know what wouldn't be cool--but in fact would be downright semi-terrifying. That would be hanging around the river a couple of hours past sundown when the creatures lurking in the woods in "Disciple of the Serpent Star" start doing God-knows-what around the fire. From the video for "Disciple of the Serpent Star", it looks like they end up partaking in some ancient Pagan ritual that's been around since the Orcs ruled the forests of British Columbia. And yes, that includes plenty of blood. 

      Grab your shield, pour three shots of Sons of Vancouver Distillery vodka into your Viking horn, and enjoy the video—preferably from the safety of your couch, rather than on your iPhone in the middle of the great outdoors. 
