No Fun self-releases its best-known albums on CD

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      Long-standing Vancouver folk-punk humorists No Fun, dubbed “the Beatles of Surrey”, and most commonly seen around town as the duo of David M. and Paul Leahy, have elected to self-release their best-known albums, with bonus tracks and liner notes, on CD. This set covers material, mostly originally distributed on cassette, ranging from 1981 to 2000, and taking in everything, including classics Snivel and 1894.

      “So that’s seven CDs in total, six albums,” David M. informs the Straight by phone. “There’s a little stack of CDs that are sitting there. I can’t believe they’re there, and they all sound good.”

      Despite a certain level of not-unjustified cynicism about the contemporary music industry, David M. points out that curious parties can hear unauthorized but not entirely frowned-upon rips of the original cassettes at, a site from which the band sees no income whatsoever. Those wishing more legitimate means of acquiring the No Fun catalogue are directed to the No Fun: The Beatles of Surrey Facebook page. For news, personally, I’d just shoot the guy a message. Or you could check out the duo at this year’s Khatsahlano Street Party.
