Lee Rosevere has produced the soundtrack for your escape from Earth

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      Lee Rosevere
      Trappist-1 (Happy Puppy)

      It’s hard these days to refrain from obsessing over shitbag right-wing politicians, both south of the 49th parallel (we’re looking at you, Donald Trump) and on this side of it (hi there, Kellie Leitch). However, it pays to look up—way, way up—because other recent news might prove more consequential in the long run.

      On February 22, scientists revealed the discovery of four exoplanets around TRAPPIST-1, bringing the total number of terrestrial planets orbiting the ultra-cool dwarf star in the constellation Aquarius to seven. You don’t have to be Neil deGrasse Tyson to know that this is kind of a big deal.

      Vancouver musician (and CBC Radio producer and on-air personality) Lee Rosevere seems to think so. He was so impressed by the discovery that he spent last weekend writing music for each of the planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, releasing it as an album on Bandcamp the next day.

      How each of the seven tracks relates to its namesake exoplanet is anyone’s guess, but each piece has a discrete musical character. “Planet B”, for example, is a droning ambient number fit for a Planetarium show; “Planet D” is a spare piano number that sounds a bit like a Music for Airports outtake; “Planet E” splits the difference between new age and chillwave by introducing a drum machine and shimmering synth effects to the proceedings.

      Sadly, getting to TRAPPIST-1 would take 39 years, if we had the technology to travel at light speed, which we do not. So, don’t expect to leave Earth behind in the hands of the Trumps and Leitches. If you care to fantasize about blasting off to Aquarius, though, Rosevere has your cruising music taken care of.
