Yellow vest protesters plan another Vancouver rally on Saturday

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      Local residents who are upset about a nonbinding UN agreement will try to make their voices heard this weekend.

      Yellow Vests Canada is encouraging those who share its views to gather at noon on Saturday (December 22) at Robson Square in downtown Vancouver.

      According to the Vancouver chapter's Facebook page, 15 people are planning on attending the rally and another 57 are interested.

      Last weekend, they held a rally outside Vancouver City Hall in conjunction with similar protests in other Canadian cities.

      Following that event, the Vancouver group took exception to a Straight headline suggesting that the movement is attracting extremists.

      "The lefties and mainstream media (paid for by the liberal government) will do anything to find one guy saying something not nice, and blanketing our movement of 100,000+ based on the actions of that one guy," a commenter named Chase O'Reilly said on the local chapter's Facebook page. "Don't let it get to you and stand behind what we believe in. The media won't hurt us, as the majority of the population knows how biased and untrustworthy they are. As long as we denounce any racism, sexism, bigotry of any kind—like we already do—we'll be fine."

      The Canadian yellow-vest movement arose in response to the global compact on international immigration, which has 23 objectives for improving how countries address this issue.

      Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has claimed that by signing this agreement, Canada is ceding sovereignty over immigration.

      That was disputed by former Conservative immigration minister Chris Alexander, who said that Scheer's statement was "factually incorrect".

      Meanwhile, the better-known gilet jaune (yellow vest) protesters in France are focusing on income inequality, the minimum wage, and their belief that French president Emmanual Macron is serving the wealthy.

      That's led some observers to point out that the anti-Trudeau Canadian demonstrators donning yellow vests are not their equivalents.

