The problem is mainstream media, not false rape allegations

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      When I was in journalism school I was told, not just to find the story, but a compelling narrator to tell that story. We were to personalize issues so that, I suppose, the audience could or would relate. This bothered me, not just from a political perspective, because individualizing systemic issues is not always helpful in terms of addressing the larger systems, contexts, and issues at play, but because I generally find that kind of reporting to be kind of, well, cheesy. It’s also the kind of reporting journalists are encouraged to do by most mainstream outlets.

      It feels like Hollywood movie-style journalism, wherein all news must be spoon-fed to the consumer in an entertaining, easy-to-digest way. There have to be characters and plots, climaxes and conclusions. And while, undoubtedly, those kinds of stories can be useful and there is absolutely nothing wrong with capturing an audience or with being engaged or entertained by a story, seeking to turn issues and events into a dramatic personal narrative isn’t always the best way towards accurate and ethical coverage. Certainly it isn’t the best way to affect change.

      Because I am a feminist journalist, I don’t see gendered issues as simply personal stories, despite the fact that women’s personal stories are of utmost importance. I see individual stories and experiences within a larger context and always as political. I see my own personal stories as political and generally try to show the ways in which these experiences are shaped by larger systems of power and by socialization in a capitalist patriarchy. In other words, “the personal is political” isn’t just a saying. It is true and it is imperative in terms of our fight towards an equitable world.

      But mainstream media loves a good story. And it’s clear that journalists are pressured to find these—the most dramatic, the most emotive. Rather than be pushed to look at systemic factors to explain the personal stories they find so riveting, they are pushed to do the opposite. And that’s how we end up with Jackie’s story—the now infamous subject of the Rolling Stone article intended to expose an insidious rape culture on college campuses. In fact, this is how we end up with most stories of rape and assault that are covered by the media. It’s why male violence against women is predominantly understood as “stranger danger”—why we see predators as lone crazies instead of as our neighbours, our friends, our boyfriends, our fathers, our employers, or our classmates. It’s why we don’t understand that women experience oppression and abuse in much less exciting and dramatic ways than the salacious ways depicted on television, which is to say that it’s simply and for the most part happening in our homes, on a daily basis. Strange men are dangerous to women, but no more so than the ones they already know, are related to, or are already living and sleeping with. The media seeks out particular stories and particular victims, often, not for educational purposes or for the social good, so much as because they know these stories of victimization will pull in an audience and simultaneously feed stereotypes audiences are already comfortable with.

      Robert Jensen summarized this fact well, in a piece for teleSUR, pointing out that the mainstream media ignores the context of patriarchy when covering sexual assault (they also tend to consistently ignore the context of colonialism and capitalism in most news stories—systems that work in favour of mainstream media and against the marginalized).

      That’s the context that mainstream news media ignores and the evaluation they run from. Instead, the focus tends to be on individual victims/survivors and individual perpetrators. The more dramatic the story, the more likely it will be covered by journalists, and the less likely we’ll learn much about society. “Routine” rapes are so routine that most aren’t reported in our anti-feminist culture, which means they are largely invisible to journalism. And, most important in this case, the all-male institutions that serve as rape factories, such as fraternities, are rarely the subject of serious reporting absent this kind of sensationalized case.

      What Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the journalist who wrote the Rolling Stone story did, in all likelihood, was to follow her training and, in many ways, journalistic standards. Yes, of course they should have fact-checked the story and looked for other sources, that is inarguable. But I think what really needs to be under investigation here is the way we train journalists and the way in which the media covers stories—particularly stories that deal with systemic power, violence, and inequality. Stories of poverty that focus on individuals overcoming their circumstances, stories of addiction that ignore histories of colonialism or abuse, stories of prostitution that ignore the same, stories of murdered women that ignore male power and masculinity, stories of police violence that ignore racism and poverty… I could go on. We’re bolstering the neoliberal American dream that feeds us the lie that hardship can be overcome through perseverance, faith, or pure luck. This story is America’s favorite one for a reason: it masks the depressing reality that class mobility is a myth and that no amount of positive thinking will erase race and gender oppression.

      So the details of Erdely’s story are unverifiable. But what does this mean? What have we learned from this situation? Well, we’ve learned that a few people failed to do their jobs properly. We’ve learned that there are “discrepancies” in Jackie’s story. And we’ve learned nothing about rape and rape culture. There are “discrepancies” in any story. People have pretty unreliable memories when it comes to details. While we don’t know what happened to Jackie, “discrepancies” and a failure to properly fact-check a story, confirm details, or follow-up with other sources does not mean a rape didn’t take place. In fact, based on the details, it sounds like Jackie was assaulted by more than one man, the night she claimed she was, though the specifics of exactly how that assault went down are very blurry.

      Catherine Porter wrote, for the Toronto Star, about the way in which the media’s desire for the “perfect victim” erases “bad victims,” in turn contributing to dangerous and inaccurate myths about rape. But it’s that search for a “good story” that gets us here. It’s that desire to find a compelling, “relatable” (who can relate to the chosen narrators is something else to consider, when we’re casting white middle class people in starring roles), personal narrative—one with likable characters and plotlines we are comfortable with—that leads journalists to find and center stories like Jackie’s. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with telling Jackie’s story. Her story, whatever it is, should be told. But rape shouldn’t need a compelling narrative or a likeable star in order to be reported on. What we should be concerned about, with regard to irresponsible journalism, is the media’s (and media-consumers’) aversion to politicizing and contextualizing that which can only truly be understood by doing both.

      The thing is that Jackie isn’t the only one. She wasn’t the only one who was (probably) raped in a fraternity and she is not the only victim of sexual assault, more generally. She is one of many. And because we’ve invested so much in her story, which has (for now) proved unprovable, the thousands of other victims—even if we are only looking at victims on college campuses—are rendered invisible. “Find the story” isn’t a useful framework for journalists to work with if the story begins and ends with an individual and doesn’t move beyond the personal narrative, precisely because individuals can be unreliable narrators. But unreliable narrators do not negate the very real, widespread problem that is violence against women. And blurry, imperfect stories and victims do not mean that rape culture on college campuses is not ubiquitous.



      O. Bloom

      Apr 9, 2015 at 3:06pm

      "Because I am a feminist journalist..."

      That's it. I'm out of here.

      Gerald Fox

      Apr 9, 2015 at 5:14pm

      The write doubles down on the rape allegation despite the fact that the police and Steve Coll et. al have established the the accuser lied on multiple occasions and has no credibility. In other words, the write of this story is prepared to advance intellectually dishonest and factually incorrect claims in order to further her own narrative of a "rape culture" which is never defined but presumed to exist.

      Gerald Fox

      Apr 9, 2015 at 5:21pm

      There is no proof that any assault of any kind ever occurred, how can the writer say it "probably" happened? It is almost impossible to prove a negative, but all the evidence suggests that nothing like what she described ever occurred. The claims that the police were unable to verify where discredited by other third parties, like her friends.

      Talk about trying to shoehorn the facts into a "feminist" narrative, yet it is the author who holds herself as a paragon of journalistic ethics.

      Lost Johnny

      Apr 9, 2015 at 9:06pm

      “It’s why we don’t understand that women experience oppression and abuse in much less exciting and dramatic ways than the salacious ways depicted on television, which is to say that it’s simply and for the most part happening in our homes, on a daily basis”

      In other words, any women who has had her feelings hurt in some way has been “oppressed” and “harassed’. More fodder for the feminist BS cannon!

      Meghan Murphy’s attempt to wean sympathy for her fellow (lying) journalist is pathetic to say the least.


      Apr 10, 2015 at 6:47am

      “Routine” rapes are so routine that most aren’t reported in our anti-feminist culture, which means they are largely invisible to journalism. And, most important in this case, the all-male institutions that serve as rape factories, such as fraternities, are rarely the subject of serious reporting absent this kind of sensationalized case.

      Um, what? If most aren't reported how are they considered routine. I know, it's because women who don't realize they are being raped don't report it. Wow. Rape factories? Do they have like a quota to reach before they can graduate? You are as disturbed as Erdely. I only hope you never have the platform she has, I mean had.

      Robert Riversong

      Apr 10, 2015 at 12:12pm

      "Because I am a feminist journalist, I don’t see gendered issues as simply personal stories... I see individual stories and experiences within a larger context and always as political. ... the mainstream media ignores the context of patriarchy... colonialism and capitalism"

      What this writer meant to say was not "because I am a feminist", but rather "because I am a Marxist".

      The reason that the overwhelming majority of American women, according to polls, not only don't identify as feminists but think that "feminist" is an insult, is because it was hi-jacked by radical, Marxist and often profoundly misandrist ideologues who invent fictions such as "rape culture" (a synonym for Patriarchy) in order to further a radical agenda that has far less to do with equality than with power.

      1974 Iowa State University keynote speaker, feminist icon Robin Morgan, said feminists hate men and that the movement wasn’t about equality but about women attaining power.

      Since the early 1960s, Robin Morgan was a leader of the radical feminist movement, in the US and internationally. Her 1970 anthology Sisterhood Is Powerful has been widely credited with helping to start the second wave feminist movement in the US, and was cited by the New York Public Library as “one of the 100 most influential books of the 20th Century”, along with those of Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx. She was also the editor of Ms. Magazine.

      “I feel that man-hating is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.” – Robin Morgan, Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist (1978)

      That this writer also believes that male friends, acquaintances, partners and husbands are just as dangerous and oppressive to women as the stranger in a dark alley with a knife and a hard-on, indicates that she endorses the most extreme of radical feminist ideology, such as:

      "Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women’s bodies." – Andrea Dworkin

      “The social requirements of heterosexuality… institutionalizes male sexual dominance and female sexual submission… For women it is difficult to distinguish [sex and rape] under conditions of male dominance.” – Catherine MacKinnon, Feminism, Marxism, Method, and the State: Toward Feminist Jurisprudence (1983)


      Apr 10, 2015 at 1:48pm

      Nothing like labelling oneself, in this case "feminist journalist" indicates a primary interest in following an ideological line rather than being a professional. Any journalist who prefaces her/his profession with a label is the last person one should believe when her/his ideological underpinnings are threatened. Yes mainstream media is a problem but one that individuals can do little about. False rape allegations provide anti-feminists with ammunition to deride the ideology as well as cause undue harm to innocent people. Unfortunately most streams of feminist thought discount individual responsibility and prefer assigning praise or blame based upon group identification: Male= inherent rapist; female= inherent victim.

      Matt M

      Apr 10, 2015 at 7:27pm

      People who make false rape accusations should be punished just as severely as rapists. I will NEVER defend a rapist, but false accusations can be equally destructive.

      One of my best friends was falsely accused of rape because he rejected the advances of a woman he knew. Even though he had proof he was innocent, he lost his job and had to leave school. Almost 15 years later, he is still suffering consequences and finds it difficult to ever trust women. Meanwhile, his accuser was merely given a slap on the wrist.

      People who do make false accusations hurt women who are true victims. Don't forget, men can be victims, too.

      Alexander Baron

      Apr 11, 2015 at 6:31pm

      He ignored the non-existent patriarchy? Shocking.

      Mr. Morgan

      Apr 21, 2015 at 1:43pm

      Perhaps our resident expert feminist journalist should actually do some journalism for a change. How about Meghan interviews Donald Barber from Victoria about whether he feels that the problem is with mainstream media or false rape allegations? Maybe Meghan needs a dose of how the reality of a false rape allegation can destroy someone's life regardless of it's veracity.
      Maybe she should actually be a journalist and not just another feminist espousing her theories as facts. I'd read that.