Ben Parfitt


Fire and ice

Nothing would throw a crimp into the 2010 Winter Olympics in Whistler quite like a volcanic eruption. Fire and ice are a bad mix, especially in steep terrain. And there are...

Penner's spin wears thin

Late in the afternoon of August 26, B.C. Environment Minister Barry Penner took the extraordinary step of declaring a state of emergency at an industrial park in the Fraser...

Hawks and the city

Rays from a morning's summer sun filter through branches, turning the ground into a jumbled jigsaw of green. Hidden in the shadows, a great horned owl perches, mottled...

Deadly brew

Millions of litres of toxic waste in the Fraser Valley are unaccounted for

Gas Well Worries Principal

Brett Johnson grew up where most British Columbians do, in the province's populous southwest corner. And the story he tells about what happened to him earlier this year, as a...

Betting The Farm

With 11,000 sheep, 113,000 hogs, 118,000 cows, 700,000 turkeys, and a whopping 15.4 million chickens, the Fraser Valley is home to one of the densest concentrations of farm...

Black Plague

Mountain pine beetles have chomped their way through B.C. and are now showing up east of the Rockies. Will cutting down trees save the forests?