
So you're a light-skinned person that prefers other light-skinned people and that's what you're advertising on your dating profile. That's fine, depending on how it's worded. But it's troubling to me that the majority of us seem to be less accepting of other cultures.


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Everyone is entitled to their personal preferences

May 1, 2024 at 10:26am

But I've found, after having learned a few important life lessons the hard way, that true beauty is on the inside of people, not on their outside .... ps: and I say I've learnt a few important life lessons, because I know I still have much more to learn.

13 7Rating: +6

L'il Donnie Duesseldorf

May 1, 2024 at 3:55pm

Hear hear!
What about me- one teensy outburst and I'm unfairly consigned to the woodshed!

9 7Rating: +2


May 1, 2024 at 5:02pm

Does your last sentence apply to Asians, South Asians, etc as well...or just Caucasians?
Because what's been foisted on us by the media the last few years is that only White people can be racists, not anyone else

Frank the Donkey

May 1, 2024 at 5:23pm

Yeah because racism or at least racial prejudice. And before you fuckers out there say there is no racism in Canada, that's just bullshit. We don't live in a post-racist society.

11 8Rating: +3

people are attracted to what they're attracted to

May 2, 2024 at 5:46am

don't tell others what to be attracted to, its none of your business.

I'm a white guy attracted to women who aren't white. Yellow, black, golden, I'd rather date a smurf than a white girl.

Don't bother me with your rules for me.

For a lot of us colors mix better than cultures.

May 4, 2024 at 4:35pm

On the macro scale of any given population at large you have cultures that sprang up out of regions of race and ethnicity and out of those cultures values have formed and taken shape. However on the micro scale of the individual your culture is what your personal values align with based on your deeper sense of self that isn't like everyone else.

It really has nothing to do with our colors. There's beauty in all colors and all colors can mix and create more beautiful colors. Unfortunately the same can't be said with cultural values, norms, and traditions. It's just two ships passing in opposite directions. Not everyone is on the same path in life and if your values don't match up, it'll either end in a breakup or one ship causing the other ship to sink. Neither is good.

Your culture is where you align. You have to be in alignment for your relationship to be healthy and for it to be able to endure.

11 6Rating: +5


May 6, 2024 at 6:59pm

LOL, so many racists! What wrong with you, Canada?

8 7Rating: +1

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