Spartacus Book Club



Event is over.


Free admission


Literary/Books, Activism

Want to read social movement history, feminist sci fi, political theory, radical children's books, and fabulous zines - and discuss them with a group? Join the Spartacus Book Club!

We'll meet on the last Wednesday of every month at 6.30pm at Spartacus Books, and read a new book each month. Books will be chosen based on the loose theme of "can this be found at Spartacus?"

In our first meeting, on September 30, 2015, we'll pick our first book, get to know one another, and discuss any questions and dreams folks have for the book club. Hope to see you there :)

About Spartacus Books:
Since 1973, Spartacus Books is a nonprofit, volunteer-run bookstore and resource centre located on the edge of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. The store has been successfully run for over 40 years by a collective of volunteers, despite a 2004 fire at its old location on West Hastings Street.

Spartacus has an unparalleled selection of academic and scholarly publications including journals and books and hard-to-find publishers that aren’t available anywhere else in Vancouver. Spartacus carries a diverse and up-to-date selection of books in fields such as: Anarchy, Race and Society, Community Organizing, Gender, Queer studies, Feminism, Radical Theory, First Nations, Prisons, Poetry and fiction, DIY, Ecology, Literary Criticism, Art and History.

Spartacus is the go-to resource for anti-capitalist, political books not found in big-box bookstores. Our Labour studies section is flourishing with old classics and new titles.

We have a great selection of graphic novels, and we have a growing selection of literature in French, German, Esperanto and Spanish.

We have an excellent selection of journals and magazines, for example the latest issues of Adbuster, Abilities, Against the Current, Bitch, Communities, Giant Robot, Extra!, World War 3, The Nation, Z Magazine and Rethinking Schools.

Spartacus has an amazingly huge collection of no-where-else-to-be-found zines by local and non-local activists, poets and writers! We also sell patches, badges, T-shirts and posters.

Accessibility Info & Measurements (inches):
- If you have questions or requests related to the accessibility of this event please post here or email
- Front door: 42" wide, handle height 39.5", door swings out to the street
- 1st doorway into back space: 34.75" wide, no door
- 2nd doorway into further-back back space: 34.5" wide, no door
- Bathroom door: 29" wide, handle height 36", door swings into bathroom
- Space between bathroom door to toilet: 42"
- Space between toilet edge and opposite wall: 35"
- Toilet height: 14"
- Sink height: 31"
- Dimensions of bathroom: 60" x 59.5"