READING: Jasmine Gibson and Mercedes Eng



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Free admission



Join us at Gallery Gachet on Friday, April 29 for an evening of poetry and other talk featuring Mercedes Eng and Jasmine Gibson, both featured in TCR 3.28 (Winter 2016).

Mercedes Eng is a teacher and writer in Vancouver, unceded Coast Salish Territories. She is the author of Mercenary English (CUE Books, 2013). Her current writing project, prison industrial complex explodes, is forthcoming from Talonbooks in 2017.

Jasmine Gibson is a Philly jawn now living in Brooklyn and a soon-to-be psychotherapist for all your gooey psychotic episodes that match the bipolar flows of capital. She spends her time thinking about sexy things like psychosis, desire, and freedom. She has written for Mask Magazine, LIES: A Journal of Materialist Feminism (Vol. II), and Queen Mob’s Tea House, and has published a chapbook, Drapetomania, off of Commune Editions.